Episode 36

Published on:

5th Jun 2024

The Princess Bride

The Fellowship Of The Reel reviews



The Ultimate Breakdown of 'The Princess Bride': Insights,

Trivia, and Beloved Moments

This podcast episode presents an in-depth breakdown and

analysis of 'The Princess Bride,' encompassing its storyline, character arcs,

iconic scenes, and the unique blend of genres that define the film. It delves

into the themes of true love and adventure, highlighting the transformation of

characters and the timeless nature of the story. Discussions involve detailed

examinations of iconic moments, such as the sword fights and the fire swamp

scene, and explore the exceptional performances by the cast, including

behind-the-scenes trivia like the choreography and production challenges.

Additionally, the podcast episode reflects on the film's impact across

generations, its standing as a possibly unconventional Christmas movie, and its

enduring legacy as a cherished classic, inviting listeners to consider their

personal connections to the movie and its place in popular culture.

00:00 Opening Thoughts and Series Reflections

00:10 Celebrity Comparisons and Humorous Anecdotes

00:43 Diving into Movie Reviews: Fellowship of the Real

01:07 The Princess Bride: An Event Pick Review

01:58 Quotable Moments from The Princess Bride

03:11 Breaking Down the Top Quotes

04:16 Personal Anecdotes and The Princess Bride's Impact

12:00 Exploring the Movie's Critical Reception and Genre


13:55 The Princess Bride's Legacy and Potential Remakes

15:25 Box Office Performance and Marketing Insights

16:36 Personal Viewing Experiences and Discoveries

27:51 Analyzing The Princess Bride's Story Structure

33:19 A New Perspective on The Princess Bride

36:08 Exploring Character Development and Story Beats

36:54 The Essence of True Love in Storytelling

38:30 Analyzing Main Characters and Plot Progression

40:17 Diving Into the World of The Princess Bride

42:58 The Transformation from Book to Beloved Film

50:26 Dissecting Iconic Scenes and Character Dynamics

50:38 The Art of Sword Fighting in Cinema

01:01:04 Navigating the Complexities of Love and Revenge

01:08:20 The Adventure Continues: Fire Swamp and Beyond

01:10:03 Unraveling The Princess Bride: Insights and


01:10:35 Exploring Character Dynamics and Storytelling


01:11:46 Midpoint Revelations and Plot Twists

01:14:21 The Dark Night of the Soul: Challenges and Despair

01:22:19 High Tower Surprises and Climactic Turns

01:30:31 Final Thoughts and Movie Recommendations



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Snyder's Genres:












The Snyder Beats:














gathering the team

executing the plan

high tower surprise

dig deep down

execution of the new plan




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Transcript The Princess Bride


[00:00:05] Chris: All of it felt like, I felt like all the exposition was very, very tight and well done. Does


[00:00:14] Sherry: That's like Ricky Bobby, he's covering his bases. Same with Tom Cruise, you know.


[00:00:20] James: You don't have to say it, Phil. When she's in a loud crowd, put it in the trailer. Ha ha


[00:00:30] Chris: Yeah, I, I like the, the setup of the movie a lot.


[00:00:35] Chris: Sure.


[00:00:43] Phil: Okay, Fellowship of the Real, four friends and a movie. One movie review podcast to rule them all. We. Don't have any Facebook watchers, which is good because I forgot to hit go live on the Facebook stream, so For nobody out there [00:01:00] watching. That's why there was nothing live, but we're live now.


[00:01:24] Phil: This was an event, pick not any individual pick. I think we all


[00:01:29] Phil: Mandatory [00:01:30] attendance pick. There you go. Uh, this


[00:01:39] Phil: There we are. Marriage. Marriage. Less than a wage. Okay. So this will not be, I don't think. An hour plus of us quoting the movie, but it may very well be. Well, we're gonna discuss that to begin with. Okay, Sherry, we'll


[00:01:56] Phil: sort of a


[00:01:58] Phil: All right. So yes, The Princess [00:02:00] Bride by S. Morgan Stern.


[00:02:22] Sherry: Okay, this time it's, it's not a quiz, it's more of a discussion because I was [00:02:30] thinking about this movie even last night, watching it, thinking. What's my favorite quote in this movie?


[00:02:37] Sherry: and as I'm watching it, I'm like I can sit here and quote the whole movie almost. Yeah, I don't think I have a favorite quote.


[00:02:50] Phil: Yeah, Gary lists them in his book, but I don't think he ranks them.


[00:02:59] James: Okay.


[00:03:11] Sherry: So anyway, this is ranked number 15, according to this person was when I was your age, television was called books by the grandpa at the beginning.


[00:03:23] Sherry: 14. Don't rush me. You rush a miracle, man. You get rotten miracles. Number 13. [00:03:30] Marriage. Marriage is what brings us. Together.


[00:03:34] Phil: Yes.


[00:03:50] Chris: So when she starts, they all, everyone started laughing. She kind of looked at me and I'm like. Just wait for it. And then I'm like, Oh yeah, right. This fucking guy. Right. As a


[00:04:02] James: Okay.


[00:04:07] Sherry: Anybody want a peanut?


[00:04:08] Sherry: Because you know, I do love that. Number 11. You seem a distant fellow. I hate to kill you.


[00:04:16] Sherry: And about that one, I will say this, this poor girl at work, the one who went to see the one o'clock show. Yeah. She loves this movie.


[00:04:46] Phil: Yeah. You war hog faced buffoon.


[00:04:58] Chris: Really? [00:05:00]


[00:05:05] Chris: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I like that one. Now, again,


[00:05:15] James: all


[00:05:18] Sherry: Number seven, good night, Wesley. Good work. I'll most likely kill you in the morning. Now I have said this because I got tickled at work one day and I don't know why, but I quoted that and I know [00:05:30] everybody, the people I work with haven't seen this movie. They don't know what I'm talking about. And I'm just sitting there laughing at myself.


[00:05:36] Chris: work?


[00:05:38] Chris: When you said you have said it, I thought you were going to say you say it to Phil, like, no, good night, Phil. And I'll kill you in the morning.


[00:05:50] Sherry: And then of course, number six, I'm not a witch. I'm your wife.


[00:05:55] Sherry: Number five, life is pain. Highness. Anyone who says differently [00:06:00] is


[00:06:00] Chris: A


[00:06:08] Sherry: four, can y'all guess I haven't said really the most popular ones and they're in the top four.


[00:06:18] Chris: wish? It's gotta be in there,


[00:06:21] Phil: Mm-Hmm? Death Could not stop. True. Love all the


[00:06:24] Phil: No.


[00:06:26] Sherry: one of them's my favorite, so we got two so far.


[00:06:34] Sherry: Yes. Inconceivable. Yeah, that's good. Yeah. Yes. So one more, right? Phillip, you got to know we have a magnet of this because that's a


[00:06:42] Sherry: is that. I don't know why I love that line, but number four is have fun storming the castle three inconceivable, which the line I always quote of his, of Vecini is I'm waiting.


[00:07:20] Phil: If I greet someone sometimes, they'll say, how's the sickie? Yeah,


[00:07:39] Chris: in the future.


[00:07:42] Phil: burned by acid or


[00:07:53] Chris: Like when we watch movies, if it's a two hour movie, it takes us two and a half, three hours to watch it because we pause. Because I don't like talking during the movie. Yeah. So [00:08:00] I guess it's worse. We interrupt the movie. So positive. So we won't miss anything and then have a little conversation about whatever, but yeah, 100 percent thought about it the night we will for the event.


[00:08:15] Sherry: And I like,


[00:08:21] Chris: Yeah.


[00:08:28] James: You mean you put your rock [00:08:30] down and I put my sword down and we try to kill


[00:08:38] Chris: It's


[00:08:48] Chris: you think you were doing well. I hate for people to die embarrassed.


[00:08:52] Chris: then as he's. Even though when they give him the chocolate thing or whatever, how long do we have to, for it to wait to take effect?


[00:09:04] Sherry: And, and one side I joined whenever Inigo asked, do you have six fingers or whatever? And, and what is it Wesley's response? Do you always start a conversation? Yeah.


[00:09:16] Sherry: So that was, that was the answer to one of their questions.


[00:09:35] Sherry: Well, even when I posted the that we were at the vent, I said, we're not waiting for Vessini we're waiting for Gary. So I mean, it just seems like it.


[00:09:49] Phil: I get excited about something, there'll be blood tonight, you know? So there's just, it's absolutely, and this is going to be,


[00:10:03] James: You are the Brute Squad.


[00:10:08] Chris: Fred Savage's line, the, uh, just the, obviously he's a kid or whatever, but like, but the, the arc of the, you know, is this a kissing book? Right, he's not interested. Then once he's so committed when he thinks he's, he dies or whatever, then Humperdinck gets away.


[00:10:22] James: that one's good. That one makes me laugh every time. The one I saw a video a long time ago, they had intercut that with, uh, Game of [00:10:30] thrones,


[00:10:46] Sherry: So anyway, I thought instead of trivia, you know, you have to discuss the notable quotables, the whole


[00:10:57] James: Tear his arms


[00:10:58] James: Oh, this key.


[00:11:00] Chris: I have no gate


[00:11:01] Chris: Even when he's trying to convince Miracle Max to, you know, do a miracle or whatever. His wife is crippled and uh,


[00:11:10] Chris: liar.


[00:11:13] Phil: It's a blade. We're in a terrible hurry. Alright, uh, Okay. That's good.


[00:11:29] James: get all the [00:11:30] quotables out of the way.


[00:11:32] James: chunk of them anyway.


[00:11:35] Phil: Not a problem, but that's the thing with this movie. Like you just want to quote it. You know, we were, but three lost circus performers, you know, anyway. Yeah. So we're going to get into this. Sorry, Jay. We appreciate that. I guess we'll get into what money crates fans.


[00:11:55] Phil: Okay. We always talk about this when we get a high ranking movie. [00:12:00] And this has got to be always compared to Aliens because that was one of the highest ranked movies. But this is a near perfect movie with 96 percent of critics and 94 percent of the fans loving this movie. So essentially a perfect movie.


[00:12:17] Chris: is on Rotten Tomatoes?


[00:12:29] Sherry: Your [00:12:30] sister doesn't like this


[00:12:32] James: I was reading a few reviews on here on IMDb from, you know, the year that it was released.


[00:12:49] Phil: they're whacked


[00:12:50] Phil: now. This may be part of the problem. And I think Carrie may have even talked about it. Cause marketing didn't know how to.


[00:13:19] Phil: Over time, this movie has become, a beloved movie and a near perfect movie, but it was not received that way because I don't think people knew what it was. And that may be why studios didn't [00:13:30] want to make it. What do we do with this movie? You know, we, you know, what kind of movie is this? Well, you know, it's too many things.


[00:13:43] Chris: thing makes money then make it again.


[00:13:59] James: oh yeah,


[00:14:00] James: when they tried to talk about a remake a few years ago and people were in up in arms, but they ended up doing.


[00:14:29] James: That's kind of cool. So they did [00:14:30] it like a tribute


[00:14:33] James: had like Jack black in his backyard, you know, fighting Andre the giant type of thing. Well. Yeah, that's cool. Just for a few seconds.


[00:14:50] Phil: But. It's not a revisioning, which no one is going to tolerate. I tell you.


[00:15:18] James: The surest


[00:15:21] James: Yeah, exactly. It'd have to be, it's totally different thing.


[00:15:39] Phil: It probably made zero to 5, you


[00:15:44] Phil: Yes.


[00:15:47] Phil: carry always twice at least. So in tripes or whatever it was. Yeah. So part of the problem may have been that it, it really is about six different genres and people [00:16:00] receiving it, didn't know how to receive it.


[00:16:12] Sherry: No, I think the first time I ever saw any of it was when they were actually storming the castle and running through the hallways.


[00:16:33] Phil: Well, we were renting movies in college. We rented movies for movie night one night, and I remember distinctly looking through and seeing this movie sitting there and not knowing what it was.


[00:16:45] Chris: video store you mean?


[00:17:05] Phil: So at some point, very close to me reading it for the first time, it latched on significantly where we would watch it and quote it. Because before I graduated college, I was already quoting lines. You know, so that's,


[00:17:23] James: it on, it was in school, I think eighth grade, like when the teacher was sick or hungover or whatever, they would [00:17:30] wheel in a TV and they wheeled in a thing and they're like, Oh, what are we watching?


[00:17:45] Chris: We watched a lot of movies at daycare or something. So I think I must've seen it there for probably. That's awesome. I assume it like you would, I don't know why I just hadn't thought about like this before, but you were talking about, you know, going to the video store.


[00:18:11] Chris: You know, or a post or whatever, but you can, you can more than most of the time, you can play a trailer to see it. Right? Well, in the video store, if you didn't see the trailer on TV or in the theaters, you're looking at a, essentially the poster, right? You're looking at the, like you said, the VHS and then the rentals were behind it.


[00:18:36] Phil: There were so many


[00:18:39] Chris: And super cop, the cop that cannot be stopped. See James and flashbacks. Now he did it. Yeah.


[00:18:47] Chris: much.


[00:18:55] Sherry: Well, what was the most famous person in it at the time was probably Andre the giant that [00:19:00] you would recognize.


[00:19:01] James: sure. He


[00:19:10] James: Hulk Hogan transcended. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


[00:19:27] Sherry: I mean, I, I really did enjoy it the first time I saw it. [00:19:30]


[00:19:39] Sherry: Oh, I, I remember, I remember whenever I watched it, because whenever Wesley comes back and he has the mask on and he has a mustache, I said, wait a minute, wait a minute, is this.


[00:19:58] Phil: yeah. See, I have no recollection of that.


[00:20:00] Chris: that. Well, yeah, Ceci totally ruined that for lathe, like, yeah. What


[00:20:07] Phil: He liked it


[00:20:23] Chris: Because when it starts up, and same thing like you, I think you talked about, it starts with the video game, he's like, You play the right movie, Dad? What is this? You know? [00:20:30] And then it starts, I'm like, Dad? He didn't turn to you and go, Is this a kissing movie? Is this a kissing movie? Right. So yeah, and obviously I think we talked about he got a kick out of the, out of the stuff in his, the he man in the Empire Strikes Back class, the, you know, the, the decor in the, in his, the kid's room.


[00:21:00] Chris: And was it really that big of a secret that it was Wesley? Cause I was like, he's wearing a mask, does have a mustache and his demeanor is completely different from how, I mean, to me, like, there's a reason why he only says, as you wish as Wesley initially, right? You never hear him say anything else. Right.


[00:21:29] Chris: She was like, Oh, this [00:21:30] guy. Yeah. Wesley. And I was like, and he goes, Oh, Oh, so he didn't die. That's him. And I'm like,


[00:21:48] Phil: it's


[00:21:50] Phil: but he's, he's a spurned lover at that point.


[00:21:52] Sherry: got a confession to make. I'm talking when I went to see Die Hard, I didn't know that was Hans that was climbing the wall and comes down [00:22:00] from the wall and was talking to Bruce Willis. Yeah, I did not know. I'm, I'm so nice because his hair looked different and he had a different accent and I was like, accent is


[00:22:09] Chris: Yeah. He could be on TV with that accent


[00:22:19] James: really good with. Paying attention. You know, who's in movies. Who's been talking.


[00:22:28] Chris: [00:22:30] To be fair, he didn't have a shirt on.


[00:22:39] Chris: Yeah, I don't know if I remember being confused or not, but yeah, I didn't think it's


[00:22:43] Sherry: don't remember,


[00:22:47] Chris: Yeah, I mean Lay that and put it together, yeah, she completely ruined it, I'm like, damn.


[00:22:58] James: [00:23:00] Pay attention. Yes. Sorry. I say, what did that guy say? When I said, what's that?


[00:23:11] Sherry: back to, he was talking about the opening scene, seeing it on big screen. I never noticed. Perry on the wall and about how to fit, because that was a Clemson player.


[00:23:26] James: this is pre nickelback. [00:23:30]


[00:23:43] James: Yeah, sure.


[00:23:45] James: Gotcha. The other thing was Santa Claus. On the wall. Yeah, on his closet. So is this a Christmas movie? Well,


[00:24:03] Phil: So it's a Christmas movie at that point. The fuck


[00:24:12] Chris: love Christmas


[00:24:13] Chris: but people try way too hard to make stuff Christmas. But again, I know you said as a joke, but there are probably people out there that say, Oh yeah, but classified as Christmas movie, you know, I see it as


[00:24:23] Phil: I'm Like, when she comes in


[00:24:26] Phil: There's a very brief camera shot of sort of an [00:24:30] end table against the wall in the hallway and there's a little Christmas tree on it.


[00:24:40] Sherry: Plus, in this poster, it does not, it says, Heroes, giants, villains, wizards, true love, not just your basic, average, everyday, ordinary, run of the mill, ho hum fairy tale. Doesn't say Christmas.


[00:24:55] Phil: Are we ready for the beats?


[00:24:58] Chris: Anybody want a present? That's not what he says. You [00:25:00] know what I mean? I'm like, Yeah.


[00:25:03] Chris: Alright. Do you think it's a Christmas movie? I don't want to go down this rabbit hole, but. I don't really. Yeah,


[00:25:14] James: Oh, it's James's turn. Let's watch Princess Bride.


[00:25:18] James: yeah. You know, like, it's an excuse to watch a movie. The Die Hard would be. Anyway.


[00:25:25] James: That's as hardcore as I go.


[00:25:29] Chris: Yes [00:25:30] Ready for something ready for a beat down of some sort. Yeah All right


[00:25:36] Phil: All right. Anyway, let's get on the beats


[00:25:52] Phil: Yeah, it was clumpson and then and nickelback and


[00:25:57] Sherry: a minute I can say we [00:26:00] just went to see Nickelback in concert.


[00:26:03] Sherry: Oh my gosh. They were awesome. Wait a minute. No, there's like, yeah, their cons are like a, um, sing along and they're so fun.


[00:26:15] Sherry: like Christmas time.


[00:26:21] James: sir.


[00:26:22] James: All right. Enjoyed. Yes, he did.


[00:26:28] Phil: sure. , [00:26:30]


[00:26:30] Phil: I did not.


[00:26:38] James: That's a fire hazard. Has to melt. Do you have a, do you have a lighter? Nope. They didn't


[00:26:45] James: Oh, it was in Oklahoma, wasn't it? Yeah, yeah, yeah,


[00:26:48] James: you gotta be safe, you know.


[00:26:54] Chris: Mm hmm. I think they would just feel him, you know, slamming his fist on the seats. [00:27:00]


[00:27:15] Phil: All right. I, I have a perspective on this movie on the beast that I did not have.


[00:27:47] Phil: Okay. I did not track my beats according to their arcs at all. To me, and I'm gonna say this and hope that you guys didn't see it this way either, because I really want to feel smart about this. [00:28:00]


[00:28:03] Phil: Let's hear


[00:28:05] Phil: This movie is about the sickie. It is his arc. That the beats match up to. Yeah, I totally got that.


[00:28:15] Chris: Come on.


[00:28:18] Chris: I'm surprised. No, no, no. I did not. Red Savage. I see what you're saying. Did not break it down that way. I didn't break it down that way. So there you go. You're super smart, Phil. Hope what you got what you came looking for. No, I hadn't, I didn't even.


[00:28:32] Chris: even think about breaking it down that way. And just like earlier like the, Jesus grandpa, what do you read me? I mean like that, that works because of his arc. So yeah.


[00:28:47] Chris: didn't break it down that way.


[00:28:58] Chris: nice.


[00:29:09] Phil: The Sickie. Now, it'll become clear what I think his arc is as we go along. The sicky is playing a physical game, a sports game. All right. The way I looked at the sicky, a dim view of the love and affection others have for him. Interested in others if they can give him things, but only if they fit his narrow [00:29:30] view of what is good, which tends toward the physical and not the emotional.


[00:29:51] Chris: but it's a baseball game.


[00:29:52] Phil: it's a, it's a sport.


[00:30:01] Phil: But only because he's sick.


[00:30:05] Chris: Right. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


[00:30:21] Chris: That's all kids, man.


[00:30:44] James: Mm. Right. Is


[00:30:54] Chris: Right.


[00:31:00] Chris: Isn't that a wonderful opening? Yeah, it's really,


[00:31:03] Phil: So I think this is his story. The beats perhaps are measured by the events of the book, but they are reflective of his journey, perhaps, and not necessarily of any of the characters in the book. So that is how I'm sort of approaching this movie. Now you guys,


[00:31:20] Phil: Yeah. Well, that's the thing. If you're looking at it and I didn't write down, I didn't pick a genre, but It almost would have to [00:31:30] be, what is the, is there, what is the one where the character comes in and changes another, like, so the grandfather is a flat art.


[00:31:38] Phil: A person who comes in and changes those around.


[00:31:41] Chris: flat


[00:31:47] Chris: Yeah, I was gonna, I was gonna think that, but looking at it from this point of view, I was gonna look it up real quick. Yeah,


[00:31:58] Phil: But I'm looking at it and I'm [00:32:00] like, well, who's changing here? And all of a sudden it started, it dawned on me that it's the sickie. Then, you know.


[00:32:10] Phil: Yes.


[00:32:17] Chris: Yeah. A light. Number one, a life problem from puberty to midlife to death. These are the universal passages. We all understand to a wrong way to attack them. A serious problem, usually a diversion from confronting the pain and whatever. [00:32:30] Three, a solution that involves acceptance of a hard truth that the hero has been fighting.


[00:32:37] Phil: Yeah. So yes. And I think. I think he's the one that changes. So


[00:32:43] Phil: yes.


[00:32:55] Phil: Yes.


[00:32:56] Phil: And I have some things to say about that. Even though they're [00:33:00] not on screen as much. Well, there are interruptions though. And anyway, yes. So I think this is his story. The Simi. Because really, I mean,


[00:33:18] Sherry: Okay, I'm sorry. The Sikhi is bedridden.


[00:33:40] Phil: The debate, call to adventure is refused. Can't you tell him I'm sick? That's why he's here. A book, spoken in the, in the way that it's a disgusting thing. If it has to have any value, it must contain physical activities. As those are the only activities of value to him. So he is not wanting to go on this adventure with the grandfather.


[00:34:04] Phil: Yeah, there you go.


[00:34:09] Phil: I didn't think of that. Yeah, that's good. Break into two. And we're going to get to you guys. I just, but this is how very quickly I think it goes.


[00:34:26] Chris: Yeah, your vote of


[00:34:32] Phil: Which means for the Siki that the fun and games have begun. So essentially the movie, the events of the book are the fun and games for the Siki.


[00:34:42] Phil: The B Story. Certainly the Grandfather, and this is where I think it comes into play more. Certainly the Grandfather, but almost certainly the characters in this book are his B Stories.


[00:35:12] Phil: That in a real sense, the Sikhi is mostly dead because of the segmentation of the two sides of his personality. So in that sense, then the grandfather is much like Miracle Max administering the miracle pill. The book, which by degree brings the sickie to full health by the end of the movie. You see, can't you tell him I'm [00:35:30] sick?


[00:35:45] Chris: Yeah. Even as a, and I don't know how old he's supposed to be. Right. But even as a, and again, like I said, I did not map it out that way at all, but yeah, fully on board with, I guess, you know, with your way of looking at it.


[00:35:57] Phil: of times. Because I want to talk about Princess Bride, you know. [00:36:00] Right. Wesley in the line. Which the


[00:36:04] Phil: Yeah. Cause I'd be interested to know if they did. I don't feel like it did.


[00:36:11] Chris: all 15 beats looking at it the other way. But I think you probably do here. I got all


[00:36:15] Chris: But him, sorry, I don't know how old he's supposed to be, but even moving on as an adolescence thing, moving on from video games and action figures to progressing into interesting girls, right?


[00:36:36] Phil: I think his world has opened up to something he was shutting out. Right, because I mean,


[00:36:43] Chris: Going from video games or, especially for boys, you know, action figures, video games to, you know, girls are gross and have cooties to, right, you know, being It's all you want to do. Right.


[00:37:03] Phil: But I think, obviously, I think it has to be something about true love. So I settle on a couple of statements as the theme, but I'm not committed to these. Death cannot stop true love, all it can do is delay it a little. Or this is true love, you think this happens every day. The idea reiterated that if you don't allow yourself to experience true love, you run the risk of getting sick and becoming mostly dead, which can feel an awful lot like being sick, the sickie.[00:37:30]


[00:37:45] James: I did this assignment to completely wrong.


[00:37:58] Chris: we talked about before, like Goldman's no [00:38:00] slack, like that's in there for a reason.


[00:38:02] James: Yeah. Yeah. I always watched it as, you know, we were enjoying it with the grandfather and the grandson.


[00:38:13] Phil: Yeah. Yes. They're, they're our viewpoint in the story. Yeah. There are in, yeah, they


[00:38:19] Phil: Yeah. Yes. Because certainly there is an ordinary world or a setup for Wesley and Buttercup, you know, anyway, so yeah, so that, [00:38:30] that takes me up to the fun game.


[00:38:42] James: That's a good point. Yeah. My, my whole setup was just on the farm at the very beginning.


[00:38:52] Chris: Right. So the, the setups, them being madly in love, him having to leave him being mistakenly killed, right. By the Dread Pirate Roberts. Then she's have some, [00:39:00] uh, you know, Mary Pumperdink or whatever. And then she's, yeah, she's kidnapped by Fezzik and them. And then, and then, yeah, Breakin In 2 is him going after him, right?


[00:39:26] Chris: Right. Like, and for, especially if you're looking at, if it's his story and his beats, [00:39:30] then, then his, his debate and catalysts and all that shit is in there, right? Yes, yes. For, for him, yeah. Yes. Because he's already broken into two by the time he comes back to find her. In my opinion. You know what I mean?


[00:39:43] Phil: So, so at that point you have to latch on. Okay, who's, who is making the break into two? Who is Right. having a debate, you know?


[00:39:56] Chris: Yeah, so,


[00:40:00] Chris: latch on to him. Yeah.


[00:40:12] Phil: movie is like 90 hours, a half or something.


[00:40:38] Phil: Okay. Very vapid. Empty headed twits.


[00:40:42] Sherry: Yes. I have a question before. I'm sorry to interrupt, but the book. Is it, does it include the grandfather reading to the grandchild, or is it like he starts it off when he's reading it? That's where the book starts.


[00:40:59] Phil: I can't, it's been a [00:41:00] while and I don't read it because I don't like it. So,


[00:41:16] Phil: Yes. So I'd have to check on the exact facts of this, but William Goldman tells the story that, and maybe it's in the book.


[00:41:49] Chris: right?


[00:42:13] Phil: Mm-Hmm, . So that is essentially the movie I think is the good parts version of this, because the book you give backstory on, on Fed, ZZI and, and, and, and Indigo, and it's just, they're not the lovable characters. I remember reading the book [00:42:30] and thinking, these characters are twits. These are characters that are terrible.


[00:42:35] Chris: Right.


[00:42:37] Chris: You know, there's only just the good parts, because yeah, I do feel like that's the, the version. And obviously you can't, you know, books and movies are very, very different, and you can't have all the, the details and all that stuff. But yeah, it does feel like, almost like a, almost like Cliff Notes.


[00:42:58] Phil: It does, it just occurs to [00:43:00] me, there is no reading of the book by a grandfather, but in the book, Goldman talks about, because the country of Florin doesn't exist, these are not true events, okay, but in the book, he talks about taking his child.


[00:43:26] Chris: But that's interesting that he, he changed all that, threw that out.


[00:43:32] Phil: Yes. The script is infinitely more endearing. The book they're twits, you know, they, they, they, they argue with each other when they're married and it's, it's just. It's not, you know, so did,


[00:43:53] Sherry: Or did he, did someone approach him and say, I want to, I want to make this a movie


[00:44:00] James: and


[00:44:01] Phil: the


[00:44:02] Phil: wrote the script and Rob Reiner wanted to make it and nobody would make it.


[00:44:13] Phil: Oh.


[00:44:20] James: there was a lot of variations of it. A lot of different edits. Yeah. And that's probably exactly it. They cut, they probably trimmed down the original story to the highlight reel.


[00:44:35] Phil: Nobody would, I don't think the princess bride. If it stuck to the book would have been in as endearing as it is because they're twits because yeah, they just the romance and the love is just not there, man.


[00:45:00] Chris: him showing up and I, I think someone's behind us or whatever. Right. Yeah. And then that's all that is funny games, right?


[00:45:09] James: Stealing the Princess is Catalyst to me, catalyst that it sets the defense of motion. They're setting the war up. It's gonna be the 500 year anniversary. Right, right. Yeah. Blaming on the other country. Yeah. So yeah. When Wesley or the Dread Pirate, Robert shows up in the back, that's where I had it a second as well.


[00:45:37] Phil: My fun and games, you know, Farm Boy, and then I have a bunch of quotes here that we don't need to


[00:45:44] James: Yeah, no, yeah, it's all good.


[00:45:56] James: It's a kissing book


[00:45:59] Phil: And then I don't [00:46:00] believe this. Murder by pirates is good. So it's


[00:46:02] Phil: Yeah. The announcement by Prince Humperdinck that he has selected a bride, something the law allows he's to be married in one month. So the events of the story. take place approximately across 30 days. Roughly. It's a month


[00:46:20] Phil: Five years. Yeah.


[00:46:33] Phil: made his fortune, threatened to be killed everyday. And I guess he was coming back cause he said Wesley had no money for marriage. So he was out to make some money.


[00:46:55] James: Yeah.


[00:46:57] James: kidnapped and he's gotta go get her.


[00:47:03] Chris: what was he going to do with her? Yeah. Drove with her. Yes. Yeah, yeah. Right. Just make some more money off of her by giving her back or,


[00:47:08] Chris: yeah, just find out. You


[00:47:11] Chris: talk it out. Yeah. And find Right, right, right.


[00:47:14] Phil: Yeah. 'cause she is. Not a fan of Humperdinck.


[00:47:30] Chris: Yes. Yeah. That would have been cool to see, like, all on the screen, right? I mean, it, it, it spoils the reveal. But sure, even then a flashback, right? Like you could start it back as, and you don't know it's him. And then it was interesting that the, his history that he explains all that through dialogue versus they don't show any of that, you know?


[00:47:55] Chris: They're not sitting at a table and it's boring as hell listening to him talk. Yeah.


[00:48:02] Chris: Right.


[00:48:05] Chris: Yeah, even just, yeah, and it's done very well by Kerry as he's talking, oh yeah, blah, blah, blah, and he casually picks her up and moves her because the fire's about to get her. Yeah.


[00:48:24] Phil: Yeah. A local fisherman out at night for a pleasure cruise through eel infested waters. Now. [00:48:30] He's no, of no concern. Yeah. Sail on. Yeah. I think I was thinking about this because he says no one in Gilder knows what we've done and no one in Florin could have gotten here so fast, but Humperdinck arranged all this.


[00:48:44] Chris: Yeah.


[00:49:07] Phil: Right. So he, he's playing along with the ruse that, you know,


[00:49:11] Phil: a war


[00:49:15] Phil: prestigious line of work. Nobody else apparently in the government of Flora knows. And Fini is not reselling this, revealing this, right?


[00:49:24] James: right


[00:49:32] James: Mm-Hmm. for sure.


[00:49:42] Phil: Mm-Hmm. , uh, I say this 'cause you, you seemed a little, you seemed a little worried, right?


[00:49:46] Phil: The sick is being wooed by the magic of this upside down world, but still clinging. to his physical, you know,


[00:49:54] Phil: and is yes. And you know, him


[00:49:57] Chris: I mean, you said that already, but yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Like [00:50:00] this is, this is what's happened to this character.


[00:50:14] Phil: I say, maybe I was a little concerned. It's not the same thing. We can stop now. If you want. No, no. You can keep reading, you know, if you want, not that I want, but if you want to keep reading it to me, go ahead. You see, so it's starting to melt some of that ice. I think, you know, Cliffs of Insanity are [00:50:30] more, now we're both in our funny games, right?


[00:50:53] James: Kariolis and, and.


[00:51:04] Phil: Yeah.


[00:51:08] Phil: have to remember that they are, they actually do that sword fight.


[00:51:20] Chris: I


[00:51:24] Chris: Right.


[00:51:40] Phil: Fluidly from his right back to his left, you know,


[00:51:45] Phil: Yeah


[00:51:54] Chris: He's the guy you wouldn't got back. Yeah. Yeah. He's


[00:51:58] Sherry: that's also he he [00:52:00] taught the Lightsape no.


[00:52:08] Phil: orchestrate that.


[00:52:19] James: How


[00:52:20] James: Three minutes and 10 seconds. Yeah. They re choreographed it to be longer.


[00:52:32] Chris: I enjoy that scene every time it's interesting Phil So now you have me thinking about cuz I'm aware of the sports, right?


[00:52:48] James: insanity. Thank you.


[00:52:52] Chris: For anybody. So you got all that. And then these guys at the top ones are sword fighting. Not only are they sword fighting with, you know, one hand, they're sword fighting with both, jumping around, flipping. [00:53:00] Anyhow, plenty of sports for this kid.


[00:53:11] Phil: Now I do say this movie could have very easily delved into silliness and parody. It does get silly at times. Oh, my sweet Messy, what have I done that some of the banter in the sword fight, you know, get used to disappointment. Okay. It could very easily have delved into just silliness, but because I think they have this [00:53:30] elevated nobility and honor and you instantly are loving these characters that get away with some of the sillier gags and still sort of maintain this, you know, beloved sort of noble story, you know.


[00:53:48] Phil: I think he might have talked about that actually. Yeah. I can't remember.


[00:53:56] Phil: I think it was months.


[00:54:15] James: And what does he say?


[00:54:20] Phil: master such as yourself. But I can't have you following me either. Yeah.


[00:54:26] Phil: Well, you know, I don't know. Hit it [00:54:30] with the rock. I hate for people to die embarrassed. We talked about that.


[00:54:37] Sherry: when we saw it on the screen the other day, I had to sit there, it's coming, it's coming, because I will jump every


[00:54:43] Sherry: every time that rock comes. And so I had to make myself sit there. It's coming. It's coming. It's coming.


[00:54:52] James: I always worried about when he jumps on Andre's back and they slam into those boulders that had to have hurt no [00:55:00] matter what the padding is or whatever.


[00:55:05] Phil: No, I didn't. He didn't talk about it at the thing, but I've read or heard Andre had because of the size, he had a bad back at that point in his life. So when he's, when he, when buttercup jumps out the window and he catches her, He couldn't even hold her weight. They had like a, a rod or a post that he was sort of strapped up to in the back so that he could hold her without.


[00:55:30] James: was, he was falling apart. He was too big.


[00:55:33] James: Yeah.


[00:55:45] James: when, when Andre puts his hand over his head and it's the whole, they said that his thumb was as big as a hard boiled egg.


[00:55:55] Phil: Well, there's a picture with a Schwarzenegger. And, uh, it was [00:56:00] when they were filming Conan, so Schwarzenegger and the basketball player


[00:56:07] Phil: Andre and Chamberlain are standing next to Arnold and Arnold looks like a yeah


[00:56:15] Chris: their shoulders It's weird because you think we're being this huge guy.


[00:56:23] James: what six two.


[00:56:24] James: 245 back then. Yeah. Yeah. Well Andre was [00:56:30] 7600 pounds or whatever


[00:56:31] Phil: oh my god Hate for people to die embarrassed. Face each other as God intended. Were you burned by acid or something like that?


[00:56:43] Chris: of large women.


[00:56:54] Phil: And if you watch Christopher Guest, I, I'm assuming he is in on the plan


[00:57:01] Phil: he, whenever, because he does it also when the, when he, when Humperdinck lies to Buttercup about sending the four ships, he makes this face like he's scared that, because he knows it's a lie, but everyone else does it.


[00:57:35] James: Right, yeah, we're trying our best not to just jump into lines.


[00:57:47] James: It's Napoleon and Hitler. They went west or I'm sorry, they went east in the winter. That's bad. Land War in Asia.


[00:57:58] Phil: Okay. All right. I always thought it was NOM. [00:58:00] Yeah,


[00:58:09] Phil: go against the society when death is on the line. What in the world can that be? A dizzying intellect. Wait till I get going.


[00:58:29] James: It took me [00:58:30] forever to, to realize, I'm like, what one was it? And even though he freaking says it right after, I built up a tolerance to I Can't Shutter.


[00:58:40] Chris: cause, yeah, cause Lathe goes, oh, so he did put it in his own. And then he says the line, and he's like, oh, okay, he did them both, alright. Yes,


[00:58:49] Sherry: no way. But that whole thing that, that, what is his name? Sean Wallace? Wallace Sean. Wallace Sean. Okay.


[00:59:01] Phil: but


[00:59:01] Phil: right. I cannot drink from either goblet. Right. Now, he says he's so smart. But when he's on the boat, he doesn't even know what the parts of the boat are called. Yeah, get to the


[00:59:14] Phil: And the other thing.


[00:59:16] Phil: on, genius. You know? So he's a, he is a blowhard. Now he's probably semi smart, but certainly not as smart.


[00:59:25] Phil: to One eyed


[00:59:28] Chris: Right. Type of


[00:59:33] James: Odorless. Tasteless. I'm like. Well, you just, you're dead. That's why I always thought it wasn't in the wine. Yeah,


[00:59:42] James: That way you don't smells.


[00:59:55] Phil: Danny DeVito. It's not true. But Wallace Shawn, [01:00:00] every day, was, was deathly afraid that he was going to be fired at any second.


[01:00:04] Phil: Yes. That he got it in his head that what, who they really wanted for that role was, was Danny DeVito. And Danny DeVito didn't take it. But every day he was so afraid that Danny DeVito was just going to show up and they were going to make him leave.


[01:00:21] James: He's paranoid about Danny DeVito showing up.


[01:00:27] James: No. Danny DeVito probably would have been too [01:00:30] big by then to do a small part. He might have.


[01:00:32] James: don't know. In retrospect, there's nobody who could do it besides He was doing what, like romancing the stone back then?


[01:00:47] Phil: Well, while it's on, there was nobody that nobody else, nobody else could have done it.


[01:00:52] James: Right. Yeah. Can you imagine Danny DeVito saying that?


[01:00:58] Phil: no. But maybe. It would have been different. It's great. [01:01:00] Yeah. It's


[01:01:00] Phil: Just different.


[01:01:02] Phil: The promise of a woman. Farm boy still in pain over his perceived rejection by Buttercup. Now he gets kind of dark here. Cause he almost goes to hit her.


[01:01:13] Phil: You know, my hand flies on its own, you know. Uh, a far cry from Wesley, Wesley, but he, I think he is very, he is spurned, you know, he's,


[01:01:24] Phil: you know that and he just


[01:01:30] James: whatever. Yeah. Well, that's true. That's overcame the three, you know, supposedly greatest swordsman, brute and mind.


[01:01:44] Phil: Very bitter. Now tell me, tell me this truly. Did you, did you wait a whole week out of respect for the dead? Or did you marry him that first hour? You know, just, and, and, and of course she will set him right very quickly.


[01:02:15] Phil: Maybe his toe hurt and


[01:02:17] Phil: Pain that whole time


[01:02:22] Phil: Yeah, but she also Becomes embittered because she is still mourning his death his death that [01:02:30] she doesn't know about yet I slowly cut into a thousand pieces She reminisces with eyes like the sea after a storm.


[01:02:41] Chris: much I think he's telling the truth too about like I think he did as Wesley probably did say please and was sparing I think all that's true Yes,


[01:02:49] Chris: making that up. No,


[01:02:59] Sherry: Have you [01:03:00] already gotten to the part where they roll down the hill? Right there. Almost. Okay, because I get tickled at Humperdinck. They were just there It's like


[01:03:12] Chris: day though. Yeah, right They were just here. I do like the elevation like he's I didn't think about it before but like he Goes to hit her but doesn't and then she pushes him down a really steep.


[01:03:24] Phil: all I care.


[01:03:26] Phil: Now there is some real Venom that Wesley unleashes [01:03:30] on her. He spoke of a woman of surpassing beauty and faithfulness. I can only assume he meant you. I can't stand that line when he says it. That's acerbic. That like, you want to cut somebody, I can only assume he meant you.


[01:03:44] Chris: say you mocked me once, you, you will not do it again or something along those lines, right?


[01:03:59] Phil: This, this [01:04:00] is a ridiculous


[01:04:03] Phil: Oh, Oh, Oh, falling down the hill, right? Yeah, I was like,


[01:04:11] Phil: hill. But that, that's a ridiculous scene. But when they get to the bottom of the hill, you are on board with the nobility and true love.


[01:04:18] Chris: even the, uh, say it fooled you, right? Dredd Parks is fucking. Dick hole. He's being really mean to Buttercup. And then as you wish, oh shit, that's him. Yeah, by the time you get to the bottom of the hill, you're forgiven. You know what I mean? Or [01:04:30] he's, he's forgiven. I mean,


[01:04:32] Chris: tender little moment and yes,


[01:04:38] Chris: to


[01:04:40] Phil: Yes.


[01:04:42] Phil: I think that's, that's the quality of, of the writing and everything that you can sort of, cause if it was just silly gag after silly gag. Come on. Okay, it's good for a laugh the first time, but


[01:05:03] Chris: So


[01:05:07] Chris: right? If he'd killed the other two and then says all this mean shit to buttercup, you're probably not on board with this guy, right? Yeah,


[01:05:20] Phil: Yeah, they set


[01:05:24] Phil: You, you're so staggeringly drunk you couldn't buy brandy. Just very, and these two are just sweet to each other. Right. [01:05:30] Well, you


[01:05:30] Phil: and to Vecini No more rhymes, I mean it! Yeah.


[01:05:36] Sherry: So, he probably doesn't, you know, that is another thing that Yeah, yeah,


[01:05:40] Sherry: That you don't care if he dies, right? Right.


[01:05:47] Phil: don't think it means what you think it means.


[01:05:51] Sherry: Right. The other two were just hired help.


[01:05:54] Phil: say. But, but they, In their simplicity are very noble, you know, that,


[01:06:09] Chris: Yeah. Right. So


[01:06:15] Chris: And even, yeah, the way he is right now, I'll wait for you to come up to, to kill you or whatever. Yeah. He wants a fair fight. He wants a fair fight. I'm going to do him left handed. Right. So you're on board with these guys. All right.


[01:06:32] Phil: Do we have to hear the kissing part? The B character is sure the grandfather using the story, he is sure he'll be able to change it. He's mine. Someday you might not mind so much, skip on to the fire swamp, that sounded good. Oh, that's nice.


[01:06:48] Chris: Now I don't mind so much, right?


[01:06:50] Chris: Yes.


[01:06:56] James: Right. When you say skip into the fire swamp, that's one of the ones where you can see Cary [01:07:00] Elwes limping into the fire swamp because of his broken heart.


[01:07:04] James: limping into the


[01:07:10] James: Well, he's hopping on one leg.


[01:07:15] James: cause his toes. Yeah. It was a, it was a far away shot. He thought they could get away with it. If you pay attention.


[01:07:22] Chris: keep backing up.


[01:07:28] Phil: They could have played it off that way. [01:07:30]


[01:07:34] Sherry: Yeah.


[01:07:35] Chris: Cause


[01:07:40] Phil: they, they stop and they slide down. I


[01:07:45] James: few when they were going, you could see they adjusted in midair to not crack their neck. Yeah,


[01:07:52] Chris: The only thing I can think of that. It's comparable as the John Wick 4 going down the stairs. I don't know if you've seen that yet or whatever, but I haven't seen any of those. In which, [01:08:00] everything in those movies is over the top, right? Sure. It was filmed by, yeah, it was made by stunt


[01:08:04] Chris: Yeah, right, exactly.


[01:08:20] Phil: The fire swamp. The flame sparks, the R. O. U. S. 's, I don't think they exist. The lightning sand, I don't think they exist.


[01:08:26] Phil: he had seen them,


[01:08:27] Phil: seen them kind of Yeah, you [01:08:30] know what I'm saying. Yeah, trying to keep her mind off of them. Yeah, I don't think they


[01:08:35] Chris: That, I guess what impressed me is when they come out of the sand, sand is all over their fucking face.


[01:08:49] Phil: You know, you


[01:08:55] Sherry: Just, just the breath they take in. Made me hurt. Yeah. [01:09:00] Oh God. I see. I'm


[01:09:01] Sherry: myself doing that.


[01:09:11] Chris: little, when she asked him if he like burned his hands or whatever, right?


[01:09:20] Phil: Yeah. Wesley explains the backstory of Life's Little Quirks. Good night, Wesley. Good work. I'd most like to kill you in the morning. Ryan was the name of the dread pirate Roberts who passed the role on to [01:09:30] Wesley.


[01:09:41] James: does he say that, uh, it's like, you're only afraid that we're not going to make it out of the fire swamp because no one ever has.


[01:09:52] James: know the secrets of the fire swamp. They can live quite happily. I mean, I don't want a summer home here, but this place is not bad. I quite love it.


[01:10:09] James: The six fingered man thing, the story that Carrie Elwes told. Yeah. Because Rob Reiner directed Spinal Tap. Oh, yeah, yeah. Nigel Tufnell and Tyrone, the six fingered man, are the same actor. Yes, yes, yes. So in Spinal Tap, the amps go to 11. And this one, his fingers go to a left.


[01:10:28] James: never even


[01:10:30] Chris: Yeah, that


[01:10:47] Chris: false victory for me then making it out of the fire swamp because no one ever had, right?


[01:10:54] Phil: Sure. I am approaching my midpoint. It is [01:11:00] obviously a little different, but I think according to the main story, I think you're right. I swear it will be done. Okay. We are men of action. Lies do not become us.


[01:11:23] Phil: You know.


[01:11:39] Chris: Well, if you want to, blah, blah, you know what I


[01:11:44] Chris: I was concerned, not worried. Yeah. That's not the same thing. Yeah. All


[01:11:55] Phil: Because at this point, the kid is thinking that Buttercup is marrying [01:12:00] Humperdinck.


[01:12:06] Phil: Yes. So, a false victory for the sickie. You read that wrong. She doesn't marry Prince Humperdinck. She marries Wesley. I'm just sure of it. If she didn't marry him, it wouldn't be fair.


[01:12:38] Phil: Okay. You're messing up the story. Get it right. And then when, when, when Cup wakes up from her nightmares, I knew she would never marry that rotten Humperdinck. Yes, you're very smart. Now shut


[01:12:49] Phil: False victory for the sickie because to him, it's a victory because Humperdinck didn't marry Princess


[01:12:56] Phil: So if it's his arc, I'm calling that his false victory. [01:13:00] Leading us into the bad guys close in you have it as the bad guys close in after the fire swamp.


[01:13:13] James: Yeah, the book is halfway open. That's true That's what I was looking at. I'm like, okay, it's about halfway. Yeah storm the castle. It's about there, right? Right. Oh, yeah, I think you're I think you're about on


[01:13:30] Phil: Humperdinck lies to the princess about the four ships, I think. Count Rugen at this point is complicit. And then he makes this face again when he's telling her about the four ships and, and all this, and he's got this look like, Oh my God, is she going to buy it? Is she going to buy it? You know, and he does that a couple of times, even so I say, even Rugen can't imagine the audacity of the lie that is being told right now.


[01:14:01] James: So his plan keeps changing. Now that the, the three guys, the kidnapper didn't kill her. He has to come up with another plan.


[01:14:08] Phil: He thought it, but he thinks it's better. Somebody's going to sneak


[01:14:16] Phil: Right. Right. The princess to be trained at dark night. So that's the bad guys close in leading to the dark night. What did you have for your, so your bad guys is when they come out of the fire slump, what do you have in your dark night?


[01:14:43] Chris: The Dark Knight's when Fezzik and Inigo discover him and they mourn his loss.


[01:14:57] Phil: have fun storming the castle. So I think, according to the story, I [01:15:00] think that's exactly right.


[01:15:01] Phil: Uh, Dark night of the soul for me. Wesley is tortured on the lowest setting. The prince Do you have a bad


[01:15:08] Phil: Uh, the bad guys close in


[01:15:11] Phil: you're right. Yeah, so, his false victory is she didn't marry. The bad guys close in.


[01:15:18] Phil: Yeah, is, is, Buttercup being booed. You Humperdunk lies to the princess about


[01:15:24] Phil: Yeah, Count Rugen, the princess is to be strangled on her wedding night, 10 days. So the bad guys are [01:15:30] lying and plotting even more now against


[01:15:33] Phil: princess.


[01:15:34] Phil: And it's a, it's a dark night or bad guys closing for her.


[01:15:46] James: Right.


[01:15:59] Phil: Did you [01:16:00] know that the chief enforcer's name was Yellen?


[01:16:14] Chris: Yeah. And he liked the torture scene. I guess he just thought, you know. Yeah, murder. What are they doing to him? Like, I mean, I guess kind of like the kid there. He was into it by that point. Pretty sure.


[01:16:29] Phil: The [01:16:30] princess learns of the prince's lies, the princess is locked away, I would not say such things if I were you, at which point she is locked in her room. So this is my, what do I


[01:16:42] James: Bad guys close in, and then Bad guys close in, yeah. Bad guys are


[01:16:48] James: they're cleaning out the forest.


[01:16:57] Chris: where Vecini found him, right? That's where he referenced it. You were [01:17:00] drunk. Yeah.


[01:17:05] Phil: Leading to our all is lost, which I'm calling a false defeat for the sicky. Not to 50. Like you said, the prince, the prince comes in and cranks it all the way up. And I made a joke here. I said, I wonder if Ruegen thinks that you should only go to 11, not to 50.


[01:17:21] Phil: The sound of ultimate suffering. Wesley is mostly dead.


[01:17:32] James: yeah.


[01:17:36] Chris: Right.


[01:17:37] Sherry: felt that way in movies before. It's like,


[01:17:41] Phil: Right? Have you ever seen the movie Dragged Over Concrete? Right. Yes. Oh my God. They, I'm not kidding. I watched that movie thinking, okay, all right. Fuck that movie, man.


[01:17:55] Chris: it at the driving school or something? I really like it. Blood on the pavement.


[01:18:05] Sherry: movie. It's just a movie. Oh,


[01:18:14] Phil: I knew I was, I made a mistake when they killed a poor girl who goes to the bank and didn't want to.


[01:18:20] Phil: She wants to stay home with her kid one more day. And the husband's like, no, because she obviously has,


[01:18:29] Phil: Yeah. [01:18:30] Just tragic. Like dragged over concrete. They're not kidding that they picked that movie because we're going to drag the audience over concrete.


[01:18:36] Chris: So the same guy did Tomahawk. So you probably don't like that guy's movies.


[01:18:44] James: too. No. Bone Tomahawk. Yes. It's great. Fantastic.


[01:18:50] James: But. Let's say it's not fucking rough. It's rough. It's not for everybody.


[01:19:00] Chris: It's slow, and then a whole bunch of no. That


[01:19:03] Sherry: got a problem, then. He needs some counseling. Yes,


[01:19:06] Sherry: does. Yes, because I do remember seeing that movie, thinking, oh.


[01:19:16] James: Just quit it, okay? Calm the shit down. Make Kurt Russell uncomfortable.


[01:19:20] James: Yeah. Yeah.


[01:19:29] Chris: Oh yeah. [01:19:30] He's so loud eating a sandwich. Yes, Vince Vaughn. Yeah.


[01:19:48] Phil: Well, yeah. Okay.


[01:19:55] James: After they're leaving Miracle Max, that's the third.


[01:20:06] Phil: They sort of are gathering the team, you know, to storm the castle, Wesley, Miracle Max, Valerie, not a witch, a wife, Fezzik, Indigo, Wesley, a miracle pill, chocolate coating, makes it go down easier.


[01:20:23] Chris: So, and it's like you said, gathering the team. Yeah.


[01:20:32] Phil: think we're all hitting it. I may be just a little


[01:20:42] Phil: right now


[01:20:45] Phil: doesn't make you happy now if the grandfather this is my thoughts if the grandfather is the miracle max and the story is the magic pill then to make this lesson of you must experience true love not to be sick or mostly dead go down easier you I'm saying [01:21:00] it is coded in the guise of this charming fairytale.


[01:21:12] James: that. That's added a whole different dimension to this story for me.


[01:21:19] Phil: I'm like, Oh, who changes here? And okay. The sickie anyway, storming the castle. Have fun. Always been a quick healer. Let me sum up. I hope we win. I, [01:21:30] I, I just, I still love that. It's such a sweet. Let me explain.


[01:21:33] Phil: A little less than half an hour, but that line by, by Fedzik, Hey, Hey Indigo. Yes. I hope we win.


[01:21:44] James: if we had a Holocaust, uh, cloak or whatever, why didn't you list that on your assets?


[01:21:54] Phil: Under the albino. I think


[01:21:58] James: And you, I'm [01:22:00] sure you really


[01:22:02] Phil: dude.


[01:22:04] James: His, his head.


[01:22:10] Phil: He's got spinal compression. Oh my God. High Tower


[01:22:19] Phil: What did you guys have as the High Tower Surprise? If you did.


[01:22:23] Chris: Okay. Hey. All right,


[01:22:26] Chris: surprise Niko getting stabbed or whatever like right away like he's chasing him and chasing him [01:22:30] And then he finally gets up to him.


[01:22:46] Phil: yeah. No, he's crying out


[01:22:48] Phil: boom


[01:22:51] Chris: Yeah


[01:22:52] Chris: have I have You Some of that is my hair. I think there's because you get, I mean, he's bleeding. It doesn't look good. Like you're thinking he's not getting his revenge at this point. [01:23:00] Right. And then the guy starts talking shit. You know, you, you've waited your whole life to fail right here at the end.


[01:23:28] Phil: What is it? Impressive. [01:23:30] Impressive clergyman. Well,


[01:23:32] Phil: Yeah That to me is the Hightower. I think there's like four Hightower surprises. Yeah, she


[01:23:39] Phil: she's married The group is divided, but I wonder


[01:23:48] Phil: It's Peter Cook. Who's a British comedian. Yeah.


[01:23:54] Phil: Well, it's set up as very, saw a very prestigious event. The music [01:24:00] that you draw in close with the camera. And so you expect this great oratory. Yeah. And so all of this majesty caves in on itself when he opens his mouth.


[01:24:11] Chris: Not putting what was that information, but like it would be, Yeah. Playing it straight would just, it'd be kind of boring. Right? So if you have this guy, like you said, up in the, the expectations, with this guy talking with this huge list. Yes.


[01:24:25] Chris: is funny.


[01:24:27] James: laughing. If you see the, you know, the [01:24:30] king is an old, you know, yeah, she kissed me. I love that opening. It's kind of a goof. So it's like the whole kingdom is a bunch of goofballs. Yeah.


[01:24:44] Chris: country full of simpletons. But even back to him getting, you know, a knife thrown in his gut, as soon as he realizes who he is, like, you're expecting maybe this really cool, really another awesome sword fight, this guy killed his dad, and he fucking runs off.


[01:25:04] James: subvert your expectations, like, oh shit. Yeah. I, I think you're right. They each kind of have their own Hightower surprise.


[01:25:10] Phil: I think so. Yes. And it's, Chris is saying, the expectations. You're led along this path, and then the, the director and the writer jerk you off to the left here, or right, or whatever, you know. Wesley, so those are the Hightower surprises, but very quickly, Wesley did come. Indigo is not thwarted. He kills Rugen.


[01:25:34] Sherry: kills the six fingered man. Yeah,


[01:25:37] Sherry: Yeah, first of all, that's the only ugly language. The only bad word in the


[01:25:41] Sherry: Yes, but We had never seen it with an audience and when, I mean, everyone cheer, yeah, it's like everyone's, yeah, knowing that it was going to happen.


[01:25:54] James: started, it started with the sword. Like when he went to for the stabbing


[01:26:15] Chris: right.


[01:26:32] James: order, in the same spot, in the exact same spot.


[01:26:38] Phil: The group that is reunited and the kiss that leaves them all behind.


[01:26:47] Phil: Yes. Live alone with his carrot, you know? Yeah, yeah,


[01:26:55] Chris: He used embarrassment or right to convince.


[01:27:06] Chris: Yeah, yeah, yeah. That is Noble LA was like, when it happened in the scene, he was like, LA's like, what minute he didn't get humiliated?


[01:27:19] Sherry: I knew he was bluffing.


[01:27:23] Sherry: he gonna explain later? That he let all that go, yeah, and lost it all.


[01:27:29] Chris: fight, he didn't do [01:27:30] shit, yeah.


[01:27:31] Chris: right. People broke into your castle. The guy that convinced you with words couldn't fight anyways,


[01:27:38] Chris: It's just almost like he had a, he does this little thing with him to get over there to the chair, like he's a


[01:27:46] Chris: Very proper.


[01:28:02] James: Uh, I think so.


[01:28:06] Phil: I didn't know that.


[01:28:08] Phil: I, I, I don't, I'm not into her politics or politics or her own, but, but Susan Sarandon is still, I still like her movies and when I saw her in,


[01:28:20] Phil: a good movie.


[01:28:25] James: geez.


[01:28:46] Phil: Maybe you could come over and read it again to me tomorrow, as you wish. And then the sickie smiles. So at the end of the movie, he is, he is melted. He is, you know,


[01:29:02] Phil: Yes. Not, not, not if you want.


[01:29:05] Phil: You know,


[01:29:09] Chris: And then no, I want grandpa to come back tomorrow,


[01:29:22] James: absolutely has to be. How long do you think that lasted, him sitting there reading the book to his grandson?


[01:29:30] Chris: took all day,


[01:29:33] Phil: point where they're eating sandwiches and he's drinking coffee, so at some point, the mother came in and Brought them lunch. They, you know, they stopped.


[01:29:54] Chris: It did look darker. Okay. Maybe that's what was, I think


[01:29:58] Chris: Yeah, he's gonna bed. That's what it, it was like, holy [01:30:00] shit. Yeah. He read it all day. Now he is gonna bed.


[01:30:03] Phil: doesn't she? At the beginning.


[01:30:06] Phil: As you wish.


[01:30:12] James: day thing, come back tomorrow and we're going to do it again all day. Yeah,


[01:30:20] Phil: Oh, hell yeah. And have. So yeah, I have


[01:30:24] Phil: I think it plays.


[01:30:30] Phil: All right. Anything else before we do, I


[01:30:36] Phil: Yep. That's okay. Well, let's do pass, consider, recommend, which good grief.


[01:30:49] Phil: right. Pass, consider, recommend. I, I think we all know what the verdict here is. I highly recommend my God. This is probably, like I said, I love Lebowski, but this, I have seen this more [01:31:00] than Lebowski. And if, and honestly, if I had to choose. I would pick Bride. I'd, I'd, I'd love Levowski. Whaaat? I know! It's like 99.


[01:31:09] Chris: your top two favorite movies of all time. Yes,


[01:31:12] Chris: Yeah, I think I'm right there with you on that. Yeah.


[01:31:15] Chris: totally agree. Totally recommend. I'm picking Lebowski, almost fanatic. If those are the two I gotta pick. I'm going Lebowski. Right?


[01:31:26] Phil: I have a damn good time watching. Yeah. Lebowski. But there are no [01:31:30] noble characters in that movie. I mean, it's a bunch of L. A. citizens squirming around in this rug back,


[01:31:43] Phil: you can have. Yeah, because we talked about the F bombs.


[01:31:47] Chris: are you talking about? No, I think that's, I don't know. Maybe that's why I like it more. I don't know.


[01:32:00] Sherry: Speaking of, I thought I did really enjoy that. Carrie told. When he showed that he sat down with his daughter to watch it. And then someone asked, how old do you think I would have never thought I, I gifted this movie to my nephew and I don't remember what age he was. He enjoyed it. I didn't even think about being scared of the R U R O U S or the ills.


[01:32:38] Sherry: I, but I, I mean, I do think that it doesn't hurt for a kid, you know, to watch it. Yeah.


[01:32:48] James: And I know that they had some such a hard time marketing this, but that's what it is. It's fantasy adventure. It


[01:32:55] Chris: mean, when did never ending story come out? Like that's a similar tone, right? Was that after? [01:33:00] Probably


[01:33:02] Chris: after that was 88. I was thinking cause Willow came to mind first.


[01:33:16] James: it's not that hard. Put some money into it and figure it out. Yeah, or just have Peter Falk being like, you know, it's got sword fights, pirates.


[01:33:24] Chris: with the, if you're concerned about this movie, play that whole bit with the, is this a kissing burger? Like, play that whole bit. And like you [01:33:30] said, have the grandpa explain it. This movie is,


[01:33:34] James: Yeah.


[01:33:36] Chris: It's got giant, right. How hard is it?


[01:33:39] Phil: Cause like, okay. So the reason I think this, this is this movie Prince Bride Lebowski, cause they're both like that we have talked about when we did Lebowski that, you know, people have watched this movie, you know, the big Lebowski over and over again to, you know, recover from stress or feel better.


[01:33:58] James: Like


[01:34:03] James: Right.


[01:34:11] James: Yeah. You


[01:34:12] Phil: Yeah. I know I'm going to have a great time watching Die Hard, but I don't know that I'm going to feel the escapism that I feel with Lebowski and, and Brian.


[01:34:25] Sherry: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It's, for me, it's the last, when the grandpa turns around and says, as you [01:34:30] wish, it just makes me want to


[01:34:33] Phil: And that's why they can get away with some of the stuff they do. It doesn't sink into parody. It, it, it maintains this, this sort of high ground almost throughout,


[01:34:44] Phil: Anyway, so I recommend it, Jerry.


[01:34:55] Sherry: Like I said, I remember your excitement when you said, you got to see this [01:35:00] movie.


[01:35:01] Sherry: we, I sat and watched it and I was like, yeah, I got to watch that again.


[01:35:06] Sherry: did, I watched it again. I think I even borrowed it. So what can I borrow it and watch it again? Or, you know, so of course I highly recommend it.


[01:35:14] James: yeah,


[01:35:21] Phil: Yeah,


[01:35:24] Chris: it or you're like, I


[01:35:30] Chris: Yeah,


[01:35:35] Phil: I VHS. I have all, every version on DVD and Blu ray. I think I copied it. Oh, yeah.


[01:35:44] Phil: 250, 000 fine up to, uh, no, it's, uh, it's, uh, three years


[01:35:55] Chris: Is that what I'm hearing?


[01:35:56] Chris: You gotta see this movie, and you show it to her, and


[01:36:03] James: Anyway, but yeah, totally recommend, gotta watch it. Yep. I've seen this movie. I'm, I'm around the same thing as Phil. Like, it's up between this one and Lebowski.


[01:36:17] Phil: That's right.


[01:36:26] Sherry: I'm sure everyone that


[01:36:28] Chris: So yeah, you gotta watch it.


[01:36:50] Sherry: And I'm like, well, you know, if you start watching it though, I'm sure they'll enjoy it. I think


[01:37:08] Chris: Yeah. They had this little clip thing where they show silhouettes. And so it's just him, the, the man in black. And it's a silhouette, so you can't see the actor or anything. Yeah. And late, like for the longest time, he's like, Oh, that's Zorro. And I'm like, Nah, that's not Zorro. That's not Zorro. That's not Zorro.


[01:37:27] Phil: It's sort of a testament. An [01:37:30] affirmation, reaffirmation that the movie still works, still holds


[01:37:33] Phil: I mean, cause now not every eighties movie holds up.


[01:37:37] Chris: but yeah,


[01:37:44] Chris: time, you know. Anyway, yeah, this one held up better to me than Goonies did and I don't know like I was gonna get kicked out of the podcast Goonies


[01:37:56] Chris: I think


[01:37:59] James: [01:38:00] It's It's a fairytale. Yeah, maybe I just. There's nothing, apart from Fred Savage and Peter Falk. It's


[01:38:10] Chris: I see what you're saying, but I don't feel like that, like I don't, I try not to hold it against older movies. No, no. I don't know, just re watching them, like I didn't enjoy Goonies as much as I remember and then this one, Peter Falk.


[01:38:22] Phil: All right. Anything else for bride? I think we have covered everything and then some, and then some,


[01:38:28] Phil: All right. So that was princess [01:38:30] bride and we are out any, if you want to piss off a princess bride fan mentioned a remake or a sequel or not happening.


[01:38:47] Chris: Golden's no slack, like that's in there for a reason. Because Rob Reiner's no slack. He knows what works. Then he explains all that through dialogue, right? Versus they don't show any of that.


[01:39:03] Phil: I will jump


[01:39:07] James: Yeah. When you say skip into the fire swamp, that's one of the ones where you can see Carrie L was limping. Yeah. I don't think they exist.


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About the Podcast

Fellowship Of The Reel
One movie review podcast to rule them all
A single movie is more powerful than a thousand realities...or something.
Come to Fellowship Of The Reel, a movie review podcast beyond the furthest reaches of your imagination.
Four movie fans meet to discuss, debate, and ultimately review movies of their own choosing.
One Movie Review Podcast To Rule Them All!

About your hosts

Philip McClimon

Profile picture for Philip McClimon
Philip A. McClimon is an author who likes to write about the end of the world (post apocalyptic, Sci/Fi), mostly because he thinks the shopping would be awesome (No crowds, everything free). He likes heroes that are the strong, silent type and not necessarily male. By silent he means up until the time there is something snarky to say, usually before, during, and after doing something cool.

He writes Urban Fantasy under the name Billy Baltimore for no other reason than that he likes the name. Many of the same rules for his other stories apply to Billy’s, strong silent types, smart mouth, does cool stuff, but these stories take place in a made up town called Hemisphere and involve stuff you only ever hear about on late night conspiracy talk show podcasts, which are, if you think about it, pretty awesome too.

So, that's Phil. He's not strong, rarely silent, and isn't known for doing a lot of cool things.

But his characters are.

Sherry McClimon

Profile picture for Sherry McClimon
The wife of Philip McClimon. Probably all that needs to be said. She is responsible for his bad behavior not being worse than it is. She is concerned that her mother might listen.

James Harris

Profile picture for James Harris
James Harris is a tech guru and musician extraordinaire; he also loves movies. A pretty decent guy all around.

Chris Sapp

Profile picture for Chris Sapp
Chris Sapp has been a friend for a lot of years and a writer for a lot more. An encyclopedic knowledge of story and movies, he can take you on a deep dive into script and screen. Another pretty decent guy, which are the only kind allowed around here.