Episode 27

Published on:

19th Jul 2023


The Fellowship Of The Reel reviews




Everywhere we are, all at once.


Tell us what you think of the movie. Would you give it a PASS, CONSIDER, or a RECOMMEND?

Have a movie to suggest? A comment to make?

You have ninety seconds. ACTION!

Leave us a voice mail


Visit our Facebook page for updates, fun movie news, or just to leave us a comment.

Fellowship Of The Reel | Facebook


To listen to all of Chris' picks, click HERE

To listen to all of Sherry's picks, click HERE

To listen to all of James' picks, click HERE

To listen to all of Phil's picks, click HERE


Snyder's Genres:












The Snyder Beats:














gathering the team

executing the plan

high tower surprise

dig deep down

execution of the new plan




"Welcome to the Show" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)

Extended license purchased.

Fade out applied.

Podcast recording overlaid onto track.

Transitions sounds courtesy of Lloyd. Lloyd has very graciously made a whole host of podcast transitions sound effects available free for personal use. We at the fellowship think they are absolutely blockbuster. If you want to find out more, or need some pretty awesome effects for your production visit Lloyd here. TRANSITIONS

Crowd Ooohs and Ahhhs in Excitement by noah0189 --

https://freesound.org/s/264499/ -- License: Creative Commons 0

Crowd clapping.wav by IllusiaProductions --

https://freesound.org/s/249938/ -- License: Attribution 4.0



greetings reers my name is philli and together with my wife Sherry and two of our friends Chris and James we're


Fellowship of the real for people who love talking about movies almost as much as we do watching them we hope you will


join us as we dig deep into cinematic masterpieces and some that are well maybe not you have an opportunity to be


the fifth host of our little show click the link in the show notes and leave us a voice message telling us what movie


you would like us to review you can also reach out on our Facebook page Fellowship of the real from all of us at


Fellowship of the real thanks for listening okay on with the


show at this point in the movie I'm like okay well here's here's what you should have done and I'm thinking yeah right


it's one of my favorite openings ever and I've watched that alternate ending and it is garbage it doesn't go where


you think it's going to go there's a monster I am I'm ready for it to be over


well I I don't not sure I can even fully explain why I love this movie so much I


had some issues with see uh my feelings on it have not changed I fell asleep until the


screaming this is actually where I started enjoying the movie this is one of my favorite scenes in all of Cinema I


thought that should have been cut completely well I'm sure it's artistic and you just don't get


it all right here we are four friends in a movie Fellowship of the real this time


we're reviewing red belt which we'll get to in a second we'll get to Sher stuff in a second but surprise surprise uh I


have not checked we have a speakpipe account uh we have a Facebook page Fellowship of the real facebook.com


Fellowship of the real and we have a speakpipe account speak pipe we also have a Tik Tok Channel you want to look


at that too that is true J play some uh some of the commercials I guess you'd say there you go so Fellowship of the


real Facebook uh speak pipe.com /f Fellowship of the real and the Tik Tok


James what's what's Fellowship of the real Fellowship of the real okay so plays the the Tik Tok plays the trailers


yeah plays the trailers with some uh some cool you know still photos from the movies that we review so very ni we've


uh We've started dropping the new episodes the week before the episode


drops out so every Wednesday check it uh just to see if something's dropped yeah and see the new episodes the trailers


come out advertising the the up coming week yes we're going to start trailers for the podcast for the episode come a


week before the actual yeah we're going to start doing that then James has been making the cool Tik Tok videos yeah uh


but that being said I I just uh we've been going along and I and I I didn't forget about speak pipe but I just


haven't been checking it uh and when I had checked it we we hadn't had anything but I checked it uh last week and uh


apparently a month ago we had a voicemail from a Soul named Steven and


we're going to play that uh he recorded a month ago and of course we're several weeks out from uh the episodes we record


them several weeks in advance so it's going to wind up being some time before we had actually gotten to it that is


going to be a correction we're going to check that more often because we want to encourage others to follow Steven's


example and please go to speak pipe and just speak your mind about anything you've heard or want to add uh and we'll


play it on the show and talk about it for a minute and uh cuz we really appreciate yall listening and we want to encourage you to do that to listen and


to reach out so that being said let's take a look at what Stephen had to say


this is Stephen our first uh voicemail speakpipe decom Fellowship of the


real hey you guys I am a massive fan of the podcast I started off listening to


deadlands to which I am an avid fan and listener of uh and through deadlands I


found your current podcast uh Fellowship the real and this speaks


to my heart guys um I am a massive movie buff I own actually almost every movie


y'all have reviewed um uh I find myself adding in


my own head to the conversations that y'all are having um can't tell you


enough how much I love it how much I enjoy it it uh I've always grown up


watching movies they I've watched the Classics to the current and I just recently finished Ghostbusters afterlife


and uh I would like to make one small correction if I may in the beginning of


the podcast y'all referred to the Ghostbuster movie made with the three


ladies as uh a sequel and it is not a


sequel it is a actual remake it was as if the first two Ghostbusters had never


existed um them with their Scooby-Doo ghosts uh was not a fan of it


um afterlife is the third movie in the Ghostbuster series okay yeah so uh


that's 90 seconds we we have the account we're given 90 seconds I have actually talked to Stephen I emailed him and uh


that was the extent of his message we didn't lose anything I don't think uh from what he said but he's absolutely


correct uh if we did reference that as a sequel it is not to me it does I prefer


it didn't exist at all I like how he called him the Scooby-Doo ghost right uh yeah thank you for that


call out Stephen obviously thank you for appreciating us but yeah definitely thank you for the the correction on the


the yeah absolutely no uh it is not a sequel it is I don't know what it is it's a steaming pile it uh afterlife is


and to me even like it's a Scooby-Do steaming pile sure to me there are really only two Ghostbusters


Ghostbusters and then afterlife part two I've seen a couple times and I'm I guess it's pretty good but it hasn't been good


enough for me to really give it too much attention but in the cannon yet it's one and two and then afterlife uh but thank


you Stephen and we want to encourage others to do that if you hear something that we got wrong let us know if we uh


have something that you really like definitely let us know if there's a movie you want us to review drop us a


line whatever speak pipe.com Fellowship of the real and also on our Facebook


page and definitely hit those Tik Tok videos to see what's coming and and how things are going so thanks Stephen


really really cool it was it it was a very cool day when Philip sent that message I was like holy crap we have a


fan yeah no I I checked it you know I was like oh well I guess me let me just see and then when it when it came up uh


that there was a message in there I was like oh my God so it was it was pretty cool so hopefully that will build we thought somebody was trying to sell us


car insurance honestly yeah my warranty ran out and crap they found us through speak pipe too uh but please uh anybody


out there uh let that be uh a lesson to you please drop us a line let us know what's going on with you or what you


think of the show yeah it's very cool we we definitely love it yeah okay yeah know I played it for La a little bit and


uh you know obviously was tell him about hey you know we got a fan I played a little bit for LA and he uh he goes do


you know youall know this guy and I said no he goes oh oh so you do have a real fan yeah so than and thank you yeah it's


someone it's real it's real and somebody we don't know or didn't pay to call so


we appreciate it sir and and that being said like uh I think he he gets us and I


think uh he gets us because we're sort of in the same CL like he's a I don't this is not an offense at all he's a


total movie nerd and we are total movie nerds and that's who we hope enjoys this podcast somebody who just digs movies


and wants to get down into them I think I think I'd like to add to that I think we're lighthearted movie nerds like we


we can take things and fun and just and move on without getting too crazy or


offending people or we know our balances cuz I really think like Star Trek I


think we preface that preface that with hey we're going to talk about a Star Trek movie if you want the in-depth go


to a real Star Trek podcast so I think you know it's really cool to find a fan out there who really loves


movies um the way that we do we just appreciate all forms we may not like everything but we totally respect it


right and it's cool that we're finding an audience like that yes and and uh he said our podcast spoke to his


heart well you know it speaks to us someone who takes who who loves movies but takes them seriously enough to say


that's not a sequel that's you know uh absolutely uh purist you know that's good so we're definitely not going to be


right about everything no no well no yes I'm sure absolutely so we appreciate that and thank you Steve and hope you


continue to listen and hope others uh will reach out and let us know that they're listening all right we ready to


uh I think last time we called this uh sher's uh quot notable quotables yes that's not quotable I think that's


becoming the official notable quotable all right I didn't do so good last time maybe I can do good this time so let's


get into Sherry's notable [Music]


quotables all right Sherry okay first one yep it's the old one all right I


don't think I've ever seen it but I know you have Philip okay well well all right that's half the battle yeah all right


here we go here's looking at you kid that's um kasan yeah oh okayy Bogart yes


yeah yeah yeah see it's it's one of those old ones but you hear it never seen that one I don't think I don't know


that I've ever actually seen it I thought you oh maybe I've seen uh keygo ke Largo was the one you had okay yeah


okay well okay sorry I'm well I was for some reason I was thinking um what's up


doc with strand but then I that doesn't seem old enough so uh Castle Blanca was not coming to


mind but that is yeah that's definitely it okay all right you ready I I know you're all going to know this one second


one's usually the hard one well no this one's really easy however I have to watch how I say it because if I say it


how it's said in the movie okay okay you ready yeah that's not your mother that's


a man baby oh well it's aome Powers yes now which one one is it the first one


Spy Who shagged me the first one oh shaged me is the second one right yeah I


have international Man mystery yeah yeah that's the first one yes Austin that's


my mother yeah I don't want to say it like he says it this is let me guess that's


C4 and gwire no it's toothpaste and floss there's been tremendous


advancements in dental technology another right that was one


character his father Philip's father could not stand we could not have a


picture of the man in the room we couldn't put it on TV he just he just


Austin yes could Austin he watched Austin P with us one time and man he thought that was the stupidest thing


he'd ever seen in his life those are I don't like I don't like the phrase guilty pleasures cuz that makes me sound


like I'm guilt I feel guilty about watching it but I'll watch Austin those first two my my girlfriend uh we watched


the first Austin Powers I think Wednesday night then Thursday night what do you want to watch Austin Powers Number Two


yeah yeah okay all right there's just so many good lines one of my favorites are


is when there's Min me and and they're singing Just the Two of Us true you went


die okay anyway all right now I've scribbled this through so


many times trying trying to get it right let me see if I can say it if you can't say anything nice about anybody come sit


by me no okay I got nothing picture it in a


real Southern still make noise yes oh finally that was just was that a swing in the dark Chris well she said Southern


I mean but yeah I was not like 100% confident at all if you can't say anything nice about anybody come sit by


me sure and the reason I bring that up guess what my next choice is oh it's


about time yeah cuz it's on Netflix it's free well I almost wanted to say Ste


magn is just because I knew it was coming eventually it's like the what's his name from Wings you know and


Margaret I know that's at least one answer in there I I love that they're playing trivia and he doesn't know


trivia Pursuit and he think he says I know that's the answer to one of these questions you would just answer every question anymore so just like why we're


on the air for the record is it is it Phil's fault or is it mine that we're now having to watch still magnolious


it's well all right let me explain it's just that time it could just be that time We've joked about you know you we


making you watch shitty movies and you're punishing us for watching this which I've always said I'll watch whatever musicals are going to be rough


but still my oh no musical are start to come I started watching we got to watch


it but yeah that's going to be rough well I started watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang the other day and I thought uh no I can't do this to y'all you guys I


can't cannot do that from the bottom of my no I really cannot do that to CU it was


enough for me to I enjoyed it but it's still enough for me to sit through no still


Magnolia that was the whole reason for me wanting to do a podcast I've been


trying to get this guy Phillip to watch Ste Magnus for years and I said okay


well why don't we do a movie podcast where we have to watch whatever the other one says yeah and of course Philip


says well Chris and I been talking about doing a movie podcast I okay so let's you know yeah let's get together and


whatever we pick is what we have to watch right well there so guess what you get to watch still Mago and I'll


probably wind up liking it I just it it is a good movie yeah and we'll give it that it's not it's again it's one of


those movies that yeah I've seen it once seen it twice that's enough yeah it's


one more well acted yeah classic one of those Classic Movies I cry every time


and um cried again okay whatever all right it's like a what's that Fried


Green Tomatoes it's in that vein yeah I've seen that once the line I remember that is face of Girls I'm older with


more insurance or whatever when she steals that parking space crushes her car who was who said that Kathy B Kathy


B well the the girls say to her face it lady we're we're younger and faster and then she smashes their car and steals


the space and said face it girls I'm older with more Insurance you know well I I saw that once I didn't really care


for that one that's all I remember about it I do like Kathy Bates but yeah anyway


all right okay what what movie are we doing now we're doing this is uh Christmas pick red belt we're we're


doing red belt yeah yeah yeah all right so let's uh what movie are we reviewing again yeah somebody has to say it at


least once at least at least once right like on every podcast somebody says it


fine no that's good all right so we're going to do uh money critics fans first yeah uh yeah all right




all right uh I have the stuff nobody else has it right anybody want to no you're the maner okay uh red belt so now


as I i' I've SE I watched this like four times because I struggled with some of the structure and story but I think I


have reached a good conclusion but the more I watched it the more I liked it and I think if people would continue to


watch this they would like it more and more as well and these scores might go up cuz I I thought it was a decent story


and so these scores seem a little low to me 67% of critics gave it three and a half


stars or above and 65% of the audience have liked this movie three and a half


stars or above I don't I had never heard of this movie till Chris recommended it or picked it I had never heard of it


either was this do you know was this released did you remember seeing this in the theater or where did you discover I


lly yeah that's crazy this is:


there but yeah I saw it yeah because I I had never heard of it domestically let see it had a budget


of 7 million which is you know uh but domestically it only made two million


like I told you it was me and maybe one other guy yeah International a lot of money to see this


movie if it only made 2 million it was you and another guy 300,000 International for a total of two 2,6 not


a lot of times James yeah right was $100,000 a ticket apparently uh


worldwide total 2, 2,674 th000 so $2 million on a $7


million budget so box office it was kind of a flop I don't know why because as I


say yeah and it didn't have much to make back it was only 7 million yeah yeah and it


had like a lot of the people in this movie I've seen before another things you know yeah Tim Allen's in it for a


while and there's some others Ed O'Neal's in it for a split second who is Ed O'Neal Al Bundy Al Bundy oh yeah I


thought that was him yes he comes by and says he in we Jerry or whatever it was like David Mammoth had you know just


buddies stopped by and it was a brail Brazilian jiujitsu thing uh I think that


little world of his David mammoth's really into Brazilian J I had heard the name David mammo what else has he done


do we know Glen glary Glen Gary Glenn Ross oh he wrote writer director


producer but mostly known as a writer for a lot of things I was trying to pull up his IMDb okay just to see uh Spartan


with v Kilmer Spartan with yeah Valk Kilmer uh Hannibal uh Ronin Wag the Dog I've seen


Ronin with the The Edge I believe was uh Anthony Hopkins and


Alex uh just haa okay a lot of Dr drama


Untouchables that kind of thing he wrote Untouchables yeah okay so this was like I guess he's got chops I guess more of a


and we're I'm getting into this later but it was like a love letter to Brazilian jiu-jitsu yeah I think this was a total passion project sure so the


fact that it didn't make all of its money back I don't I personally the way that I feel about this movie I don't see


the not making its money back hurts the life of this movie like a lot of lot of people recommended this to me yeah yeah


yeah uh when we bought it at the movie trader they had to dig it out of a box in the back they had gotten several


copies I guess James got one he said they had several so we went down there but they had even unpacked him yet they were was still sitting in a box in the


back and he knew he had it and he was kind enough to go dig it out but he knew all about this movie he he oh yeah it's


got such and such the classic yeah so uh and the reason I like the people down there they're they're uh they're


hardcore movie nerds they they you mentioned the movie they know about it yeah I I when recommended this movie


years ago to me I tried to watch it and for whatever reason didn't watch it and


my brother was like yeah I'm going to try to watch redbutt my brother's like it's a fantastic movie you got to see it and then when I told him we were doing


it for the podcast he's like finally it's you're going to it's a good movie you need to see it you had to finish it


this and I had to finish it turn the subtitles on and everything it was I had I knew what was going on you watch every


movie with subtitles yeah so I can follow it yeah TV show anything you're watching


my hearing is just so messed up can I ask a question before we get started yeah absolutely so I'm looking through


this um on on my phone I didn't realize there was a red belt um is that


above a black belt well they they explain it in the movie I told you I don't in in I I don't know if you're


going to go into this but yeah in the movie It's its thing it is its own thing in the movie it's a plot point in real


life red belts are depending on your it system yeah your system red belts can be


higher than black belts most black belts are just like like he says in the movie


come off the street white belt you can now teach with a black belt most of them


are like black belt then you haveg Stripes yeah degrees of black Bel well yeah cuz this has a black and a red kind


of intertwined um I guess the idea that there's only cuz he says there's only one and so it's the grandm of that okay


cuz I mean I remember that from the movie that one man having the red belt and it's it's kind of misleading in the


movie uh some people it bugs them because they're really into that world


but this isn't that kind of podcast I'm not getting in there to to make any problems with anybody but uh in the


movie it shows that there's one red belt in the world and it's a grandmas in real life there are five grand Masters it's


like a Machado not Machado uh the Gracie family or something like that so there's more than one there is red belts


depending on your discipline yeah yeah okay but and for this movie alone I don't know if this specific type of


scenario exists where there's one red belt one I think yeah I think they wanted to make it really works better


wise if there's only one yeah yeah and we'll get to it but yeah the where they're talking about it you know she's


like like you said white belts coming off the street doesn't know anything and then a black belt you know is can is has


earned the you know the right to instruct the class and teach and then she says you know what do you do to get


a red belt and he says there's only one there's only one which they they don't really unpack at that point which is cool cuz you sort of get significance


later right if you're Mr Miyagi you just used the belt to hold your pants JC


Penny hold up pants right there was some dichotomy about this because yes the red belt is the Grand Master but then


there's all these references to from Snowflake uh yeah just holding up your pants you know the the belts don't and I


think why would the black belt make you feel better so that way I know his [ __ ] pants w right so there's this downplaying of the belt system but then


oh the red belt is a big deal so well one of the belt systems is called the


okanawa belt system which immediately made me think of Mr Miyagi right it's


like well obviously he knows there's belts maybe he just doesn't believe in belts and it yeah I I think uh that's a


different movie right well um now I I've heard that that the whole belt system


was almost a uniquely American thing cuz Americans needed some kind of incentive and


reward then other systems that you know belts you know yeah there's there's a whole history of it I was listening to a


little bit of kind of the history on it and just I know enough about it to say that I don't know enough about it at all but


there're different classes different systems that this movie specifically this plot device I don't think exist


right in the world and the fact that like they're playing this tournament with one person in a disadvantage yeah


yeah that's not realistic at all nobody would sanction that kind of stuff so but


we'll get to more because this movie isn't about that the movie is not about the tournament the belt it's yeah yeah


all right so what was uh what did you have as a genre for this uh I don't know


that I picked one to be honest with you this might be a a sports story that's not a golden fleece yeah dude with a


problem yeah I think so yeah yeah um um yes uh that's I couldn't think of


anything else that fit you know better the uh it's not monster in house it's not out of bottle uh it's not a wi D it


it's not a full triumphed right I don't think it's institutionalized um what am I


forgetting Golden Fleece yeah Golden Fleece but like he doesn't build the team to go after it right and gold she


built a team and he's not and he's by himself well I think it's I I thought that before cuz I think I'd asked are


any sports movies not Golden Fleece or any horror movies not monster in the house I think this might be a cool


uh Am I Wrong this this is a sports movie with sports as the backdrop yeah


it's not a golden fleece because it's it's not a sports movie yeah um I don't think it's rer passage either yeah um


because he's not going he's going through stuff but it's not like write a passage it's it's important for the


character like the character is dealing with a problem the wrong way and then they change and deal with it the right way and accept it where we we've already


talked about this a little bit off air but it's a flat Arc right he's yes yeah so he doesn't change he changes other


people yes and and and so we usually analyze these movies by the 15 beats and


I think that is a fast and quick way to break story I think it's a legitimate way to test the the cohesiveness of the


story but I think this movie because when I tried to do it that way I


struggled with and I thought the the movie meandered and and lost its way but


I I think this is almost a 100% character driven story where the Char not plot driven it has a plot all


stories have a plot but it is so much about the character that I didn't want


and I like the movie and I thought it deserved some consideration so I looked at it straight from a a flat Arc


character plot situation and when you look at it as purely character-driven flat Arc he changes the world around him


it lines up much more cohesive than a plot-driven story based based on the 15 beats now I think I think I have all 15


beats but I find them very squishy but when I look at the flat Arc character driven thing I feel like it's much


tighter so we'll go through this and and and then very quickly I'll give my thoughts on what I think the flat Arc


situation is or whatever I wanted to ask real quick before we get too far into it


Chris why did you pick this movie I'm truly cuz you've you've


recommended this movie for the better part of decade like that I've known you so this isn't just a you know spring it


onest type of like you've liked this for a while I have yeah I I guess I like I said I was one of the few people that


apparently saw it in the theater um yeah I don't I just I I love this movie I I liked it from the first moment I I saw


it and just every time I watch it I like it even more and once we were doing this I guess started talking you know decid


we're going to do a podcast right and analyze movies and kind of break them down I thought this would be one that this one of the first ones that popped


in my head as far as this would be fun fun to try to break down and and talk about it cuz I know how much I like it


and I don't know that I'd even analyze it all the way through through uh Blake sniders beats yet you know um until


until I watched it this time but yeah it was just I'm sure you guys all had similar movies that popped into your


head as far as oh we're doing a podcast I want to talk about this and like James you and I talk about like we have these huge long massive lists I told y all I


put them all in a a stupid spin the wheel app and this is what popped up oh that's about time nice yeah so well and


I guess I'll probably every time it's my turn continue to do that and then once that list is wiped out then I'll put


more in there yeah sure that's really cool I couldn't decide right what to do and I was I had another Stallone movie I


was thinking about and I didn't want to you know do that when we were yeah double Stallone Stallone feature yeah so


and I always try to match up well you know I try to if somebody I think we did it before like if you did mummy so I


went with what I do we on the night or something just try to you know yeah yeah yeah get a good match right on whatever


I'm matched up with it definitely it definitely spices it up having that kind of dynamic movie pick action so yeah uh


I'd be interested to know Stephen says he had almost every movie we've watched I'd be very interested to know if he has


has this one cuz I had never heard of it right um maybe a lot of people haven't let me read the a couple of short blurbs


here they can understand maybe what what we're what direction we're headed in martial artist Mike Terry lives by a


strict code of no competition for he feels that such contests weaken Fighters after saving a famous actor uh Tim Allen


from a brutal attack Mike takes a job in the film industry he soon finds his personal beliefs and integrity on the


line as circumstances force him to participate in a prize fight and then a shorter one a fateful event leads to a


job in the film business for top mixed martial artist instructor Mike Terry though he refuses to participate in


prize bout circumstances conspire to force him to consider entering such a


competition uh this is again I say this is a very character-driven piece more so


than even uh the plot as as far as the motivating force and that's even when I


struggled with the structure of this movie and thought it was Meandering the strength of the character kept me


interested and I didn't want to not like it because I really liked this character right yeah all right any other thoughts


uh it only made like $63,000 its opening weekend so it didn't even make $100,000 its first weekend uh I had never heard


of it but uh I appreciate you mention it cuz I kind of really like it now you


know to the point where I I I I really like it you know not to give too much away too early uh yeah I don't know I mean you


all talked about it before I guess I like fight movies I like you know and this is a Fight Night fighting James you


know um yeah and this is a fight movie but there so much more yeah so much more and it goes it uh I guess I like it cuz


it's not a vanam flick right noris flick it's a seigo or whoever R it not knowing the ending I thought oh yeah there okay


there's going to be a fight blah blah I thought he was going to have to go through the tournament like Warrior like


that movie Warrior that's what I was expecting it to do is he gets in a bind he needs money he compromise with


himself yeah plays with the conventions yeah I remember the same time I saw it too yeah he puts we'll get to it but he


gets as far as putting on all the stuff and and about to go to the the ring yeah so all right so uh that's money critics


are we ready to get into our beats I think so anything else nope okay here we


go with h the


Beats all right again I'm going to need some help with this


because going through the beats the 15 beats I have a opening image a setup


about 50 catalysts a little bit of a debate and I think that's it 50 catalysts there's I I at some point I


have triple bump down here uh debate the true debate debate break into two at an


hour and minute an hour and five minutes and it's only an hour and a half you like changing the


uh his Beats from plural to single like you know one funing game or you know


multiple Catalyst well okay cataly C there you go what do I have written there PL game just one of them


right at the top of the page midpoint false defeat no idea James cataly uh so


I I struggled with this movie this is notes from the first watching this is where I was like okay this isn't working


and so F did Chris recommend right so we'll go through these and you can set me straight and then I'll and then I'll


very briefly at the end go through how I think it breaks down from a character standpoint and works better anyway


according to me that doesn't mean that's the way it is opening image I have and and I I I thought these initial


beats were very powerful although we'll get to it in a second there there's some some sort of right terms that don't go


anywhere but we can talk about that in a second opening image Mike Terry a teacher of Martial artarts teaching his


star student police officer Joe Collins this is the this is what you see him doing and he's got uh


several sort of sage sayings uh control the situation control the fight uh there


is no situation from which you cannot Escape uh this kind of thing so uh opening


image very wise uh disciplined with a code of his own uh that he uh lives by


and demands that his students live by you know the move you know the move insist on the Move insist you know uh


you know the escape this kind of so Liz by Coden demands that his students live by that same code is his opening image


uh any thoughts any other yeah just I was going to add I have the same opening image and my notes are pretty much the


same other than I guess I like you I went back and looked at um uh km wand's


flat Arc right and and made some notes according to you know her beats and I


guess the way she defines it is for a flat Arc is this is a good place that represents the character's truth yes


right for the or for the characters for a flat Arc character's Ordinary World so that is this scene that is his Ordinary World and this gym represents everything


about it represents his truth and his way of life and his beliefs yes yeah yeah yeah yeah I I


I definitely caught that uh pushing his uh his student through his paces and


really being like there's there always a way out like just breathe and do this and do this CU he's pushing that guy to


be a black belt yes yeah yeah and that's I don't think I've ever seen a


movie go through that kind of like any sports movie go through that kind of routine or whatever no I thought it was


a very powerful open image and yeah and it's almost all of it is his his you know you know the Escape you it's his


stuff there's there very minimum in this scene now I don't thinking about it where like there's I can only come up


one I really like it when the guy's in a choke hold he's like oh well that's it officer's down officer down yeah and


he's oh that makes you mad that's the only time he was really going outside of his Cadence beliefs you know and that's


the first time you you hear like gu he's officer which which is well hidden Exposition right yes uh yeah no


absolutely uh theme stated there are several sayings he he says but he repeats this later on


in the movie so I'm pegging this is the theme and I think I think this sentence


that he says becomes basically what happens throughout the movie there is no situation you cannot escape from and I


think I think he he is faced with a situation that's the whole movies AR is there is there a situation is that true


yes is that true and gets into a situation that he feels like at some


point maybe there is no escape from and he has to yeah pushes his belief pushes


his beliefs and almost makes him break until it doesn't uh and so he Pro we're


skipping ahead but but we're going to get through this he proves this statement to be true for himself and and


in a flat Arc he you sh the the unchanging character shows the world the truth right and I think absolutely by


the end of the movie he has shown the truth of this statement to this amazement of his wife and everybody else


right um yeah so I I think I I think that those are very well done uh setup


okay now this is the first place that I had a little question and it left me scratch my head okay because the at


various points there are plot lines that sort of just go nowhere and I'm not


entirely certain that it needs to go anywhere but it raised questions that never got answered all right so a woman


Lara a lawyer I wrote she has a pharmaceutical problem hits Mike's car and enters the dojo to make amends she


is on the phone in the rain with a pill bottle in her hand talking to somebody


about this Pharmacy that she can't get into cuz it closed and then she says you know cryptically no a real pharmacist


isn't going to do it this prescription won't stand up with a real right doctor so it's almost like


she's you know looking for an underground Pharmacy or somebody that's going to turn a blind eye to get sure


her getting drugs she's a rape victim right we find that out later yes yeah so this is she's it's in this movie we're


talking about genres this is a writer passage for her she's dealing with the problem the wrong way she's trying to medicate right and even Medicaid and


underground Medicaid not even right I mean she's what I got is she's exhausted


all regular channels as far as medicine so now she's trying to do this and yeah I mean and she's so hell in on that she


doesn't see the damn car sideswipes it and ends up crossing paths with mik who ends up helping her right I understand all of that okay but some of those


blanks you filled in I filled in oh yeah well it must be that I think that's 100% the way mam wrote it like he didn't want


to fill like even Mike Terry in his his thought process like we have to fill in what he's thinking a lot in a lot of


scenes right like yeah there areal his backstory there's like hints of what his backstory is but yeah I think mamt was


very you know sparse and yeah I think about it on purpose okay all right she sideswipes the car and then she has the


the thought I'm going to go in here and tell them hey I side swiped her car if she was an addict on the something else


I don't think she would have done that so it kind of speaks to her character as like yeah the first time you saw her she's trying to find [ __ ] mess but


she's trying to do the person either yeah right right there's a start to me start contract between and I know it was raining how we see her here and then


when she shows up once she's paid for the window what's going on here who and we're skipping ahead but righty shows up in the windows and you see a shot of her


and that you know and that's when we learn that again we're skipping ahead we learn she's a lawyer but there's huge difference there sure right so yeah all


right um okay but yes it is very cryptic and very and you definitely have to fill in the blank he did not lay it all out


on the on the line for you yeah nobody knows what's going on and then she's freaking out then the cop she's mess


yeah he's like cop no yeah take her coat like again that explains why she wigs out so bad right and now okay that


that's yeah she she hits the car she goes in and uh Joe Collins the cop has


taken his gun out you know obviously for safety I got that yeah he takes down and sets there cuz uh Mike Terry's giving


him a hard time before she comes in Mike Terry's giv him a hard time about his harness saying that can be used against you yeah it's a it's a live Jo Joe takes


it out and leaves it on the counter so they can you know play Spar or whatever you know on the in the mat without


someone accidentally with the gun without the gun accidentally going off yes you set off to the side I this is


this is all first reaction first time seeing but when she comes in she is


trying to say I hit your car I want to make amends and they won't let her talk which which I I thought that that was


the weakest part of that scene sure won't let her talk and oh take her code just if I'm thinking just let the girl


talk she's obviously frantic if someone's frantic I'm not going to keep interrupting him I'm going to let him


get it out and find out what's going but to me they needed her to have this reaction and so the scene was written


this way I thought it was the weakest part of that scene yeah yeah because the wife's yelling Sandra's yelling at him


at Mike right because he does tell her come in right he's he's very calm to Cal calm her down yeah and she several times


take the lady's coat as turns to see whatever his wife was doing yeah and and then you know it is kind of it's a


little bit forced was it enough for me to not like it no but in my mind just


for the second I'm like let the girl talk which means I'm out of the movie well it definitely it definitely adds to the overwhelming sensation you feel for


her she's going through all this stuff she's coming in off the thing and now these guys are oh wait yeah we'll be


right with you make yourself uncomfortable here let me grab your jacket and she's just yeah freaking right so I felt that kind of anxiety


part of it okay all right yeah it just pulled me out a little bit but you know whatever all right so uh okay so a woman


Lara enters the dojo to make amends she has intimate issues of the first order leading to the shooting of broken window


Joe passes on reporting it for fear of bringing shame on the dojo and we learned this is all set up that the dojo


has money problems we never learn about this and I don't think it's important that we do but it is a another line of plot that we


we don't go to learn about the cop had incident on the job or something because


Mike uh Mike says the you said the training saved your life so somehow this


is how you repay me yeah yeah right you say the training saved your life yeah there was something that this training


helped him with we don't know what that is and I guess it's not important later on some things happen but whatever we'll


get to that now here is where I start hitting multiple Catalyst because I at this


point I'm thinking okay well the he anyway anyway before we get to any other things in the setup that y'all


want to mention I have the setup ending with basically the Catalyst had an incident the cop had incidental job


she's in there this is all prior to the shooting of the window MH yeah just uh


like I think it's important that the first time we see her see Laura she's lost yes yep yep yep that's good yeah no


there's uh and I'm sure if I watched it again I'd find even more but as I went through I watched it she finds what she


needs without realizing of course you know yes uh I thought I thought the more


every time I watched it I'm like okay these things mean something and this looks up this links up with so I thought the writing was very smart and that's


why I sort of cringed a little bit at like the scene where they won't let her talk and then but it did create a


heightened sense of anxiety which James is talking about which I guess does work so any anything else for setup before we


move into multiple Catalyst as far as yeah what's your first Catalyst the window Catalyst I wrote should be but


ultimately is not something blew in through the window I thought that would have been a remarkable Catalyst you know


the Catalyst blows in through the window or the Catalyst breaks the window to me that seemed almost a no-brainer uh they


can either pay the rent or pay for the window since they are not reporting the incident insurance won't cover it


because it's an act of God so it winds up being the right thing you know he'll say yeah I think it was the right thing


to do and then his wife was like okay well yeah yeah yeah cuz he talks about he gave her Joe gave the girl a pass yes


because you know they would have she would have gone to jail for attempted murder would have ruined her life yeah and the wife says and you think that's


Noble and he goes no I think it's correct yeah right and I love that line absolutely absolutely uh I think that is


a catalyst that's where I have it that window getting broke starts it does start the action off it starts everything and I like the line about the


wind blew something into the window a Storm's about to enter this man's life and he has no idea sure no and I have


that written down but at some point I'm like okay no this is it and that was my


problem with with you I didn't nail him down right away like I had keep playing with it and decide okay well if this is


this beat then what is and I really struggle because I I think it did you have the Beats James uh no no okay okay


I'm just going to tell you where you're wrong absolutely well I I need you because


I like her looking for that Pharmacy I'm looking for these beats you think that's right James I think it's correct yeah


yeah yeah proceed I'm driving through the rain like her looking for the Beats she's looking for her pills I'm looking for the Beats uh Catalyst double bump so


uh I said Catalyst double bump but again ultimately not he saves actor Chad Frank


from an assault in a bar is invited to dinner at his house by way of thanks wife hooks up to do business with Chad's


wife in fashion uh Chad has Mike explain Jiu-Jitsu and theme is restated Escape


now he he just sort of enlarges on the theme uh there is no situation from which you cannot Escape you uh do not


try to avoid Force embrace it or deflect it yeah everything has a u you say Force


I don't remember what he says everything has a uh why try to escape Force embrace it Embrace or deflect deflect only two


answers yeah yeah why try to yeah avoid it or something oppose it yeah um so I'm thinking okay well now he's invited to


this this will be the Catalyst setting him off because he'll be offered things now and you mean saving Tim was the


saving Tim and going to dinner Frank was the is the Catalyst yes the invite I guess cuz the knock on the door and the


package arrives okay again something enters his life could be the Catalyst that was my first cuz yeah arise by a


knock on the door but but as I finished my notes I said nope not that's not it


either because both those things are things that blow into his life both now they could be a double bump but


but you know well because yeah because after the watch comes he there's an invite to dinner yes


basically yes and then and this will set him off on another path right yeah but it all stems about needing money to pay


for you can either pay to repair the window or you can pay the rent his his principles and his way of running his


business because of his principles is bleeding her business dry she's like there's a line in there about how she's like you know she's having to cover


everything yeah yes right she's frustrated with that yes um and then she even says you know she's she does not uh


believe in his principles um well she's more of a pragma pragmatist you know


yeah right but she just she even asked him you what does the what does your family eat why you're being so Noble by


you're being so P I think it's it's all about money right yes so I think to me his breaking the two is going


reluctantly going to ask Bruno for a loan she says you need to ask him for a loan and then when he goes he goes to


the bar to ask for loan and that's where he ends up meeting Tim Allen's character right yes but he finds out from there he thinks Joe works there right still as a


bouncer Joe used to work there he finds out Joe doesn't work there anymore he quit because they didn't pay him so like


he never asked Bruno for the loan no he he went there with the intention of that but this dude's so caught up in making


things right for others that as soon as he hears about and Joe didn't get paid when he gets back there with Bruno he


ask him did you pay him and and he doesn't accuse Bruno of not paying him he ask him did you pay him yeah Bruno's a big [ __ ] about it or whatever and


what [ __ ] business of yours yeah do I pay him you know yeah and that's the first mention of you want money fight on the undercard yes all right so and then


he's leaving and he sees the issue that that Tim Allen get into and again let me interview intervene on someone else's


behalf yes like he's all about helping other people yeah see he'll even say uh when there's a problem it's easy I'll


fix it it's easy it's easy you know let me clean it up let me clean it up uh again is there a situation from which


There Is No Escape no there is not I can get out of this I can fix this I will make the you know it's easy it's easy uh


setup continues he explains all right so I have two catalysts and now I say we're back into more setup because we're


learning more about him explains his system of training the marbles Mike was in the military um and


when he shows up it said his friend said did you tell him what you did he said no he didn't ask and we never find out what


he did in the military was it Noble was it dishonorable I mean I you know I don't know I have a feeling he probably


did dark and violent things and maybe TR he used to drink and he doesn't drink and doesn't drink anymore so whatever he


did in the military messed him up and sent him down a path and maybe the training saved his life right here we are filling in blanks because we never


find out right does it matter ultimately I guess not just


builds it builds the world you sure but well it it builds the foundation of the world and you have to put the bricks on


because it makes these references things that are going on that we never find out about and I guess that was initially


what bothered you about it yeah my problem with this movie I'm like why you keep dropping these right seas and then You' never let the plant grow you know


but it's like uh cuz in other stories where there where there's a you know a positive or negative Arc right there


change the character the the ghost you know the the LIE they believe right so


we need to know what that ghost and what that lie is with this guy we know everything we need to know about him when that opening all we need to know is


that he's got a code and he's going to change people around yes that was ration how do get money in in this world like


that's why I think that's a break into two it's all about this sure maintaining his business in this money driven World especially some of these really sleazy


people he comes across how does he maintain his morals and this was a conclusion I came to about the third


viewing when I started to understand okay this is not going to be your your plot driven necessarily story uh all we


yeah absolutely because this again these are notes from my first viewing all cap second plot line that goes nowhere with


this military thing so at this point I was getting a little frustrated and I wrote there I guess there's three because they wrot down the


lawyers drug thing we don't find out about Mike's military experience we never find out about uh ultimately the


notion of the red belt except there is only one but if belts as snowflake says make uh and Mike agrees with are only


for holding pants then why the importance of the notion of the red belt even if and especially there is only one so at this point I'm I was kind of


losing it with this movie it's the first viewing yeah anyway I could see that I hadn't thought about the dichotomy of


the belts until you pointed it out earlier with the you know it's all about you know there's only one and the whole


the movie is called [ __ ] red belt right but then yeah the well why was the black m make you feel better snowl so I


know his [ __ ] pants will fall yeah they very much make light of it even tell them this is for symbolic I need


money for to buy a belt it's you know the belt's just symbolic yes yes yes now and especially based on his code which


is no competition and and right take the man down and and and this kind of thing but has nothing to do with belts he


doesn't he ultimately doesn't care about belts except right you know as I I don't know so then but then there was talking


about belt so at this point I again first viewing now Catalyst triple


bump what I have written here cataly yeah Catal ey Chad wants Mike to be a


co-producer on the film Mike agrees and shares training techniques uh advises as


to authenticity of aspects of the film and at this point I'm like I listed them ways and which everyone is throwing


money at Mike okay fight for 50 fight for 50k after uh they won't loan his


principles right uh the gifted watch no I'm not gonna I'm gonna give that away I'm not going to use that but again he's


R he's uh he gives yeah cck gives him the watch he writes a wrong in his eyes cuz Joe never got paid I hooked you up


with the job from my people they didn't they stiffed you and you Pawn the watch make it right yes develop a reality show


based on his training techniques as soon as that guy as soon as he explained at the at the chat's house yeah to Jerry


I'm like dude you don't see the the piece of [ __ ] you're talking to like in my mind I'm like they just stole your


idea dude right um anyway you KN that first first viewing yes like that's what I was thinking like dude this is


entertainment business you a lawyer yeah you just you didn't sign anything just faxing this stuff over yes wife's


fashion business whose idea was it to share too was the wife's yes cuz she saw him go oh Mike do the do the trick


wife's fashion business with Chad's wife uh yeah cuz they love her dress and she makes her own fabric and all that stuff


uh be a producer on the movie uh he struggles because it will


interfere with this teaching so basically five different ways he could have gotten a bunch of money to sort of


make his troubles go away except it violates his code almost on every level so all these people want to throw money


at Mike but he he's declining well the movie producer didn't violate his coat cuz he is I guess naive about movie


business and he thought that they're yeah they're going to put it in the movie or whatever like he was willingly faxing the [ __ ] off sending it off like


he like cuz if you're on the flat Arc right he's I have this View and I'm the minority everybody else has a different


view finally and like and obviously Chad he saved his life Tim all character he seemed very interested in him right and


so much so that like after meeting him one time he's like I'm going to make you a movie producer to to me like Mike was


these people I'm starting to get through these people aren't in my Dojo but they're I'm starting to get through to this guy and now I can put it in a movie


and spread my thoughts to how many people see this movie right like I think that's what he was again he never has


any lines of dialogue like that but I feel like that's where his mind was at and that's all and movie producer she's


got movie business yeah their money problems are about to be over so it seems yes yes uh that's that's a false


Victory to me mhm okay yeah all that [ __ ] is funny games how does this


guy okay how does this guy with these weird principles survive in you know Hollywood basically you know sure like


meeting all these [ __ ] sleazy people because after that third Catalyst I'm back to have a debate yeah Joe is a


black belt now he can cuz CU he's he's about to go to this meeting he like no I can't go to the meeting who's going to


teach class so caught up in that yeah the class and his wife saying something Sage let the wheel come around yeah let


the wheel come around yeah uh I I said that's not really set up unless unless he she's talking about the training wheel that you know he spins for the


handicap uh but that is not really set up well I wrote so the the the little bit of debate that I had was this idea


that maybe I shouldn't because who's going to teach the class but then Joe I mean Mike right no Joe Joe ultimately


will teach yeah you made him a black belt let him teach yes yeah but you have that as uh midpoint or what you say yeah


yeah mid point cuz yeah everything seemingly going right is a false Victory her business they want to be business


partners with her I got you yeah this guy wants to make him a movie producer he's not just you know he's let me take


your teachings and let's put him in the movie man this is awesome stuff he not just thank you for saving my life and it's not really competition because he


the characters are training for real life combat yeah I even think him running into George and George is doing the stunts on this movie that's in his


mind is confirmation that maybe this is okay it's okay yeah all right all right


CU we don't know about George do George have the same views thought snowflake at first I thought it was snowflake but


it's not it wasn't yeah yeah you know what I mean like George probably doesn't have the same views as he just knows the


stuff yeah yes yeah absolutely so after this debate uh Lara shows up now now I


thought Lara's Arc was which I would have liked to have seen more of but I thought Lara's Arc was pretty good yeah


Lara shows up to her own debate and takes a class but is still debating until Mike shows her how she could have


gotten away from her rapist a plot line again that goes nowhere as we never see her train with Mike or anybody else I


would have liked to seen her because by the time by the time the moves over she's overcome her problems and it's because of Mike because of the


training and blah blah blah I would have like to have seen that yeah yeah they became like she's a lawyer she ends up


helping him yeah he's doing that he helps her yeah that that whole plot


Point yeah I would have liked to have seen her yeah cuz I thought that was a very powerful he went a little hard uh


for her first uh training well she she tries to leave he still went a little


hard no he did he he stab me stab me I I well in his mind I think he's getting


her to have a breakthrough I I think it was for sure yeah yeah cuz he starts off very much if I were to put my arm around


you could I strike you yeah yeah yeah it starts and then you know she's he backs


way off could I strike you from there no where could I strike you and gives her I thought that I I was like I this is part


of the thing that made me totally on board with this guy and and sitting here thinking no I've got to like this movie


what what how can I crack this you know cuz I right and even like to me it's um and I don't know I guess where it falls


it's kind of it's thr on the midpoint I guess but it's um he's doing the script stuff right like he's looking at it when


she comes in yes right and so he puts that down so this is that's pretend this


is real somebody who really needs and I think he he you know this is movie pretend [ __ ] there's someone out


there and I think he was not going to let her walk out of there without trying to help her yeah cuz that was at the time where he was already debating on


we'll let the black belt teach the he's a black belt now and then she comes walking in yes yeah cuz he keeps keeps


telling them several phone call yeah I'm going to look at this script I'm look at it like he he hadn't got to it yet but he's got real stuff going on as far as


yeah I like seeing that like he just put everything from Hollywood on pause as soon as she came in yes now and to sit


there too I really and she's all like infused as [ __ ] like so should I meditate or something and he was like no


that's the first step leaving the outside outside yes and I thought no I I am totally on board with this movie but


I thought this was a realist opportunity not here but a call back to this when he is eventually going to go fight and he's


in the room with the undercar other undercard Fighters he's you know obviously a little anxious and his his


snowflake is there helping him Spar and and stretching him out I to me in my mind I'm like no no no the way to pay


that back all this activity going around him he's sitting there just let tuning all that [ __ ] out right taking his own


advice about having to do this kind I thought that would have been way more that would have been cool yeah I had thought about that to you said that


would have been cool but I think he's he's so distraught about going against his principles that he can't like maybe they show him try and then he can't can


or something that would have been cool right but yeah cuz even a flat Arc will have challenges yeah to to com he's that


close to Breaking yes yeah yeah yeah all right uh let's


see back to the scene about him going too hard with her or whatever um uh yeah


I mean yeah he didn't want her to leave and he wanted to do a breakthrough and it works but I like how she's I like I like the L lot where she starts crying


yeah and he says it's okay there's only Fighters there's only Fighters here at that point I'm like oh I could cry


too no no that was brilliant that's that's why I'm like and that's what he was showing her you are a fighter right


she was victim mentality but yeah no no I totally drawn in by this character and was like there's no way this movie is


not working why isn't it working you know anyway right some of the plot was here this is again notes from the first


reading some of the plot was telegraphed and I picked up onway when he was sending his training materials later to people who earlier said it would make a


great reality show we talked about that I I uh yeah then you address that um there's one thing further back that I


guess I like is after he when he's cleaning himself up after saving Tim Allen right at the bar yeah yeah um he


he sees the the frame photograph of the professor down underneath the sink yes like they're like down almost like in


the like a basement or something like a and he picks it up and he says oh they banish the professor down here I think that's very telling of Bruno and his


brother Ricardo like they no longer care about the professor's teaching and his way of life it's it's out of sight out


of mine just like the photo is my because his uh Silva what what's his


name the I think they're they Brothers yeah they're both Silva Ricardo and Ricardo yeah uh the b d he only refers


to it as his business you come in here to my business Mike you know right he comes on as a producer but wants to


address a small problem first the watch was stolen he gave it to the cop who tried to pawn it when it came up stolen


he was suspended per an investigation uh would not tell him who gave him the watch the agent plays this


off says he will take care of it leaves and never comes back Mike and Sandra yeah so Mike and his wife are cut off


from Chad and his wife uh based on promises from uh chess's uh about doing


going into business fashion took out a loan $30,000 from a loone shark smart


yeah uh no paperwork signed no lawyers M two weeks and and and Mike tries to fix


it well not my money Mike I got I got people you know uh I like how they show that he waited like until that place was


closing down essentially for that guy to come back give him every you know benefit of the doubt benefit of the doubt yes um and there's a a little


moment there where he um cu the guy left his wine Jerry leaves his wine CU he order a glass of wine and then open you


know soon as he heard about the watch I'm going to clean this up I'm going to make a phone call I can't make him phone here yeah done but he um like obviously


he knows what's happened at this point right and the wines in front of him they show him push it away yeah yeah no he


has an option here this is a real disappointment here's something that can make me feel better pushes away and it's not the first time he does that when


Chad sets the yeah you know when he's talking about it when he explains it you have a beautiful wife you know blah blah blah that


conversation and he sets it down and he slides it away yes and then and then


there's a third element of that drink like because after he I guess has to After he finds out that that Joe killed


himself he goes back to his gym and he very he he goes to try to work out but he's just his heart's not in it he he


takes a shot doesn't he yeah so would that be your All Is Lost right there um when he takes that shot I mean yeah a


major character killing himself probably but at that point I I think that's what I had let me that I think that's where I


spotted the all lost is his friend committed suicide he now takes that drink yeah sure no and and that's his


principles he's going to get the money sure and that makes at this point There Is No Escape from the situation that he


thinks sure and that makes sense except I had I didn't have any beats leading up to that I'm like so that's anomalous


okay so you can't just not have him and then drop one right in there there what comes what comes before All Is Lost bad


guys Clos in and it's the oh the guy leaving him with the thing I'm cutting sandre off yep um Joe uh well Joe's


killing himself right yeah they're high and dry and it's bad all right so and they stole his idea they try to go Su


them he's got a lawyer in his back pocket that's going to help him out and they think it seems like they got him by the balls and then they realize that


they they don't because you know he doesn't know it this time but the wife sold him out cuz they they got her fingerprints on the window and they got


them all set up to where yes they'll go to jail if they don't drop the charges for attempted murder all that is true


yeah okay that's all bad guys close it sure just answer the question sir so yes


I have this I think is the true Catalyst the fourth one in the movie believing there is no situation from which There


Is No Escape Mike says he will fix it goes to the lone shark who himself has bosses and the lone shark and I thought


this is very telling what have you got that's worth money Mike bam then right on the screen they answer it just just


play yeah so to me well that's Catalyst number four because he's constantly being spurred and hasn't yet made the


decision a lot of debate but he hasn't ever really you know so this is where I was struggling unfortunately I read this as


56 minutes into the film but the debates about going against his principles sure debate the true debate is what I have


next and this is refuses to fight Su debate number two yes well at least because there's another one there so


there's there's anyway this is why I struggled uh he refused to fight uh he sues for theft of intellectual property


for big money but the events of the watch which you were just talking about can be strung together in such a way as to cause real trouble and Lasting


trouble for him for the cop for the lawyer everybody's going to jail if if they the you know they've constructed


this false narrative based on the watch right Dr Char ship yes uh so I'm calling


that the true debate because he's still debating and and maybe has decided and then another Catalyst the


fifth one the cop kills himself failing to believe there was no situation from which you could Escape he has a widow


who will now not receive a pension from the police and owes bills and I thought her acting here was probably some of the worst I've ever seen on screen yeah it


was pretty hard Who acting the the the oh the wife the wife yeah uh all she


seems to care about is her bills not a tear and I I I know why I know what role that was supposed to play the final are


you going to pay these are you yeah right but I just thought it was absolutely horrendous yeah acting I did


not appreciate her performance at all that's what you get when you cast your sister you know probably is that her sister no no it could be it could be I'm


joking M it should have yeah anyway uh debate missed the missed the casting


right there buddy yes rough so now I have another debate looking at Joe's widow's bills at the bottom of which is


the business card for the fight promoter the only two ways to escape are to


embrace the force or deflect the force he tried to deflecting it you know through the lawyer and this kind of


thing so embracing the force is the only other option yeah break into two with 1 hour and five minutes of an hour and 35


minute movie is what I'm having so this is where this is how much I was struggling okay the movie's almost over


he decid he finally decides you know which which to your point you probably


have have stronger choices about some of these Beast because they do make sense but I was not able to nail them right uh


at all as I was going through it so you the the him him finally deciding to take


the fight that's your breaking the three or what what is that that that's still like all lost in a dark knight right cuz


he's going against his principles right yes yes yes um him cuz he almost breaks


and then once he realizes that the whole thing is a charade right and the fights are fixed and then he uh he tries to go


and talk about it or whatever yeah right um yeah I say that I Haven it written down as all was lost but maybe maybe


that's still bad guys Clos in because his definitely his breaking in three is after going out and getting slapped in the face by her coming back in no I I


want ripping it open that's his break into three cuz I went from thinking that that's an inex inexplicable and stupid


scene to oh my God that's we didn't need to I like it because we didn't need to hear what the recap he just told her hey


the whole thing's a charade blah blah blah like he told everything we just saw yeah he saw he saw the marble trick the


because the first fight happened somebody two other people fought he saw the marble thing happen and then he saw


his buddy in the dressing room the little magician guy and he knew the fix was in and he knew oh crap so he was


just leaving was no longer going to but I didn't understand he does and talks to Bruno and the other guys first too cuz he cuz he gets upset about yeah they're


like oh yeah all the fights are fixed but guess what you get you get a pass every fight tonight that you win you get


you're going to win you go home and get some money but again it's going against this code weak the money yeah he's got a fight so it's close right you did this


in front of the old man you brought the old man thisit right you brought him down for that and he he's an old man


right so yeah that's why he's like [ __ ] this we're packing up going home right now but I I want to talk about this SLA


cuz first few times I watched it I still didn't get it I'm like what the but it's the student becoming the master I think


he's leaving we don't aren't privy to that him a [ __ ] going home yeah yes but but uh she's mad at him for giving up


and probably says something like that's not the code of the war that's not a fighter you go back in there and you and


and and you show them es you show them your truth you show them what you taught me you you don't teach me all this and


and save my life and then you just walk away in defeat no bam and that slap is


her teaching him I think sure and I didn't get that to like third fourth time but when I when I figured that's


probably what happened I'm like hell yeah she has become the true student and


it's and probably it's contact it's a big moment for her too and contact but at that point she almost shows that she


has her black belt she is y worthy to so at that point that whole I didn't think about that yeah cuz she's worthy and I


guess in a way Joe is not yes he has lost his way yeah if you want to talk about it


that even so like he's he's the guy kill himself yeah no no no jo uh Mike leaving


has lost his way he's looking for the pharmacy that's closed now kind of thing right you know he's he's lost and uh


yeah that's right she she has a wreck and and that turns her around she slaps his face that's his wreck that's his


yeah yeah so once I start putting that together like the third or fourth time I'm like no that's [ __ ] brilliant I mean just imagine if if she hadn't been


there and he walked out having everything he's ever known it's all for


nothing may he goes back drinking maybe the dojo go it down all kind his wife's gone yeah [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah so he he


really is zero so she saves his life that's the other part of it oh and your wife sold you out he was he keeps


pushing well how did yall know we were it was just us there how' youall know about really what really happened with the window uh your wife sold you out


yeah she the brother like who do who do you think you married man you know yes and


uh she was you know the Mary with what's her name anyway the lawyer was raped


lawyer was raped essentially Mike Terry's life has just been raped from


him so it once I like I said after about third or fourth time I'm like that's


[ __ ] brilliant no that's that's it that's it that whole slap is Right speaks volumes I I loved it you know


anyway yes so he break into two at 105 agrees to compete first time through this movie is what I'm saying yeah now I


I thought this was good to highlight the stakes here so Terry is down there getting the rules of this fight and everything and he looks


over and we cut to an interview with the Asian guy talking about the code of the Samurai right and I thought that's


highlight you're highlighting the code of the Samurai versus what he's being forced he thinks to do now right did you


see who the guy in the red shirt with the cup that's giv him the the kind of the I could not place I said I know I've


seen this guy who is this guy doy Crow yes [ __ ] Dewey not looking like Dewey


or sound like Dewey but it's Dey crew I it was like holy [ __ ] do we crew yeah I


I I kept looking at him I know he is somebody and I I never stopped to look it up but wa who was it who are we


talking about here he's uh Dewey Crow on Justified oh Justified he's an Australian uh mov he does an American


accent like really well yes yeah yeah cuz he's he's in a in a kind of a dark comedy horror movie probably filmed in


Australia where their uh him and his brother run a uh cattle farm or something or they they Supply meat to


grupy stores whatever and I guess times are hard and there's a series of accidents and bodies start piling up and


all of a sudden their meat problem is over but he plays one of the brothers Brothers It's a dark bloody kind of


horror movie comedy Wow worth a watch you should look look it up I don't remember well there was another there


was another background character uh as one of the Asian fellas there at the end


he was in best of the best oh yeah he one of theore he's one of the henchmen he gets beat up by Mike Terry okay all


right I noticed him yeah and I did notice uh what's it cro is that his name the MMA guy who


coutout well John Jack Machado is the other guy the the brother yeah Ricardo


yeah Ricardo Silva that dude the Machado he's badass that two will rip you apart


then put you back together like a pretzel that's crazy but I did notice uh his ears cauliflower ears beat the [ __ ]


Randy cout is all of them yeah there's a few that make an appearance in there yeah


fighting games just one of them this is my take you are much more on track than I am the first fight based on Mike


stolen system Mike warming up in the undercard room and I then again I talk about the missed opportunity Mike


sitting quietly while all all others around him do their thing I thought would have been better this just me but


he but now he is in the same situation as Laura was a knife to his throat and his way of life about to be raped so I I


think it symbolically the life is to his third at this point right absolutely yeah cuz even the when he's about to go out the the cop the the other cop but he


that he knew you know damn shame about Joe I thought the world of you Mike like now this cop who liked him is now


convinced that he you know that he gave Joe the the bad you know the stone watch or whatever sure yeah well that's what


does he say who the hell pawns a watch given to him by so and so right and and and like this wasn't supposed to happen


you were supposed to take the watch and right so some guy saw cuz he kind of dumb [ __ ] Pond watch Frank yeah


so what was the deal like he's like did he know stolen did he steal it I don't I don't think Tim Allen's character knew


the other guy just bought it cheap right even though he's got all his [ __ ] money prob knew it was hot you know I


think he said he didn't know it was I think he's going to say that he just yeah he got a cheap watch I think he got a cheap watch and then ended up because


he CU like James said he had no idea he never anticipated this guy well that's the thing when he leaves that dinner


after a lavish gift right yeah when Mike says this is a problem we got a he


leaves and never comes back at that point they're cut off so in my mind like I guess I didn't understand that


I I I I finally understood the slap but I didn't understand this like why is he so offended that Mike would have raised this issue about a stolen watch does he


think this guy's to this guy's going to cause trouble because he he's so honest or you know if it comes to like that I


bought a stolen watch then I could get in trouble like what was his yeah what he thinks it came from Chad too and he doesn't want Chad to to look bad or


whatever okay so he's he's cutting off this because this guy's honest and honest people just cause trouble


terrible yeah honest people yeah this is Hollywood avoid honest people at all cost my God okay all right cuz he


doesn't tell me to gave it to Joe he says I pwned it or whatever right and then the guy's like well you're watch do what you want well then soon as he found


that it's [ __ ] stolen yeah oh some D some [ __ ] you know gave Chad you know hot watch I'm going to clean this


up pH he's gone yeah he was probably like [ __ ] this I'm gone I'm not wasting later he calls him the dumb [ __ ]


cuz we don't need you we got your system yeah we got your stuff we don't need this headache exactly yep they only get


the Fabrics too because the wife sells them out you know yes yeah yeah midpoint false defeat I had no idea you said you


had a midpoint what was yours everything's going well it's false right cuz false false defeat with the you know


I'm about to give into my principles or whatever yeah all right I didn't have a midpoint B he was really going to sell


out because he wouldn't just fighting like he was going to sell out and the whole thing was [ __ ] fixed and all this [ __ ] oh yeah yeah yeah sold


them out all that stuff yes uh bad guys Clos in I have the fights are fixed this is explained as how things are done he


will be the winner take home the 50k inevitably get a whole bunch of Fame leading to new students


but he's not going to do that that's where I have my bad guys but you you have yours much earlier obviously cuz


this is way toward the end of the movie so I knew it couldn't be it but I I was at a loss yeah them cutting him off and


yeah All Is Lost His wife has left him to get out of fin student kill himself yeah yeah yeah I have all his lost his


wife left him yeah the storm in the castle is what really happened to the night after she slaps him and he turns


back in he's going to go fix [ __ ] I'm going to rip this open yeah yeah Dark Knight of the Soul leaves the fight with nothing so at this point I'm I'm


thinking well these beats are like 1 second long but cuz he didn't go in there to fight a bunch of dudes he just


wanted to go to the ring and tell everybody that it was a charade and all these guys keep getting in his way so he


has no choice but to I'm not going to let you get in my way of the truth right so I'm whooping your ass yeah he wanted


to let the old man know yeah right yeah yeah he was going yeah he's going to yes the old man and I think everybody that


was betting cuz it was oh yeah that's fixed it wasn't fair it was fixed deal yeah so this yeah break into three wants


to talk to Flynn the commentator and tell him what is going on the whole dishonorable Enterprise bring it down


storming the castle fighting his way to the ring uh is losing until he sees his master watching wondering Mike fight


Silva wins gets to the ring does The Honorable thing the master seemingly Having learned what is going on humbles


himself by presenting the one red belt to Mike onor upheld and so closing image


from teaching there is no situation from which There Is No Escape to showing exactly how he makes that happen for


himself in impossible circumstances so I thought even the Meandering that I thought initially I thought it wrapped


up real well because he's showing the world exactly how it's done right so at the end of the movie he has absolutely


backed up everything he said in his opening image so I thought so at that point I'm not I was like no no no this is too good for me to just dismiss yeah


and when it answers the question what do you have to do to get a red buillt well you can't just teach it in a closed environment vacuum you have to embrace


it out in the world where you're constantly going to be you know going up tested prac it's practicing law


practicing martial arts you you continue learning every aspect of your of your


life not cuz even that um on the map which we never really learn much about but the the uh I


guess the guy that was going to be the fighter the Asian he he bows low and presents him his belt before he gets to


the ring yeah and that one was worth money so that solved the money problems too oh I okay I didn't think about that yeah $250,000 worth qu a million what


did yeah yeah who pawns a red belt right well yeah that but that belt was like


what Ivory and that was gold or symbol symbol yeah yeah an heirloom presented


by the emperor blah blah blah yeah that's cool all right so very quickly we won't take a lot of time with this but I


like I said I love this movie and I was like it's not working but I can't just dismiss it so this is and J Chris you


made reference to this is wyland's flat Arc beats essentially a flat Arc the character believes the truth he


maintains the truth he uses the truth to overcome the world's lie that's the the story uh believes the truth maintains


the truth uses the truth to overcome the world's LIE there's your three acts so very quickly and and once I did this I'm


like no the movie is rock solid uh believes so the First Act believes the truth in a lie ridden World control


self-control terms of the conflict no situation from which you cannot Escape improve the position and insist on the


Move these are this is his Truth uh inciting event is is challenged to use


truth to oppose lie um not let a situation control him if the if the truth is uh there is no situation from


which you cannot Escape then the LIE is there are positions uh you cannot improve and conflicts you cannot control


those that's so that's the lie not not let a situation control him which is that's the truth the LIE is you're going


to have to fight for money uh this is the inciting event uh fighting for money yeah sorry it talks about the second act


for sorry this from wiland I know i' written it down somewhere the second act will see him placed under siege by the


LIE he will have every reason to take the easy way out and surrender his truth to the lie or perhaps just pack up his


truth and walk away from the LIE without ever trying to confront it so yeah Under Siege and constantly being presented


with easy ways I think that's what all of that is all the Hollywood stuff and all that absolutely uh the first even


starts to walk away till she slaps him in the face yeah no that that to me that's cinematic Brilliance so that's the inciting event fight for money the


first plot point I don't like her system I think I think it has less beats and I think it's too broad but I think this


works first plot point at the 25% which we would call the break into two or that


kind of thing uh World tries to forcibly impose the LIE uh so uh I think this I


think his wife is doing this trying to forcibly impose upon him this lie what do they eat while you are being so pure


uh his truth is competition is not a Fight It weakens The Fighter so his wife is basically giving him a big fat guilt


trip here about what does the family do when you're being so pure right uh the world trying to impose this lie upon him


that's the First Act uh second act first pinch Point she calls it which I find


very uh imprecise uncertain if truth is capable of defeating the LIE oh okay so


begin uh being a producer means nobody to teach the class now he's unsure of what to do so I thought that was the


weakest part of his flat Arc because it's not really a huge problem but to him it is yeah he's uncertain if his


truth can overcome the LIE okay this is my truth but you know I want to be a producer but now I can't do this so he's


uncertain if his truth can be maintained uh as the first pinch Point midpoint Moment of Truth power proves


truth to the world proves truth to the lawyer insists on the move to produce her dinner so he


shows he's beginning to uh have the proves the power of His truth to the World by bringing these things up not


fighting enforcing his rights not telling uh telling the lawyer that this is a problem we got to fix before we can


move on showing his truth to the world at which point the LIE driven characters


according to this beat second pinch Point lie driven characters fight back well they fight back with a vengeance


they cut them off his wife is borrowed this money they are in a bad situation and this is the


false Victory false defeat which you know uh according to this system which I think Falls fairly fairly good lie


driven characters fight back bringing us to the third act third plot Point lie seems to Triumph externally the LIE


seems to Triumph big time I think in this movie the cop kills himself he seems to be in a situation that he's not


able to control the lawsuit fails uh and now he's going to have to fight for money so this third plot point the LIE


seems to be triumphing and I think that's absolutely solid climax comes after that final confrontation between


the truth and the LIE he does fight but not in competition he does not compete


he fights and in his code bringing the other guy down uh when he learns of the fix


climactic moment truth defeats Li absolutely he beats Silva and goes to the ring resolution new truth empowered


normal world he gets in the ring and everybody his wife realizes she [ __ ] up now uh exposes the LIE the whole


World sees his Truth at the end of the movie right it literally goes out with a hug and a drum beat which I thought was


also brilliant so anyway that's very quickly the flat Arc structure and I think it's almost 100% at that point M


so I think it's it's mostly a character-driven and I think it defies your your your standard structure


which is okay you know I think that's pretty cool like that's uh that's a big


difference in some of the other things that we've reviewed like it's nice refreshing thing to know that there are other ways to do movies out there yes


that may not fit this way that we're doing it but other ways it's spot on and so so I wrote a character driven versus


plot driven every story has a plot obviously this has a plot but the emphasis is not on that the emphasis is


on watching this character move through a world and what choices is he going to make he said he's going to make this


does he stick to it blah blah blah so the the the character structure I think Nails it almost beat for beat 100% And I


think it's rock solid looking at it another way looks kind of Meandering I


thought right yeah but I wanted to love this movie because of the character and I and I was determined so I went up


watching like four times and when I did this I was like yeah that's it I can love this movie guilt-free now you


know anyway any other thoughts no no just uh yeah there's one line that makes


me laugh there's a lot of lines that I like but the at the end when he's comes up to Ricardo when he's


that's the last the you know almost like a kind of like a video game where there a big boss right he's all the Hench now


he's got the um and that guy's in his way and he's like he's you know he basically tells him going to the ring where he and the guy says you going to


the ring to to ruin my business or whatever um and he goes yeah and he says you know I'd prefer you not to do that


just he almost laughs Mike Terry goes I understand that just I like that line you go ruin


my business I prefer you didn't do that I understand that I understand that I don't know why just his delivery no no


and then they fight you know good uh I I liked his exchanges too when uh after saves chat you know and uh what what


happened here H some kind of barf fight or something you know right you know he


um he I don't remember the the what he says the cop said to him he says uh nobody knows me or you know whatever


that whole exchange that's why I just love this character and I wanted to make this work because I I was totally into


this character and his story or whatever you know all right any other thoughts or


no ready okay yeah [Music]


all right Chris you're I'm first huh you're big all right um I guess I'm torn


how are you torn for me I love this movie so I would say recommend but I know it's not everybody's cup of tea right um but yeah


I guess if you're a movie fan and you're looking for more than just you know I guess a popcorn flick right in your


maybe even a you like fight movies but you you want more than just you know cool fight scenes and people you know


beating each other up or whatever then yeah I guess this is this is your thing you know check this out yeah it's a very


good story um and it's it's a strong story like you said it's very you know character-driven um for the most part


with the exception of the Widow it's well acted yeah well she was so yeah I don't know I I just like it a lot but


yeah I'm fully aware that it's not I mean we talked about the numbers right on everybody's cup of tea I was pleased to hear that you know you all said so


many people would recommend it to you um yeah yeah I thought it was this small you know small little little known movie


that you know not people I think it probably has developed the following in years after yeah that is the gem that


you discover because I think it is or whatever I I I recommend it I and I even


if it's not your cup of tea because I was I was like James said I was fully expecting okay well I know what's going to happen at the end there's going to be


a big fight he's going to win nope and I think that's smart writing and I think it yeah it it if a story surprises you


then then then it's smarter than you are and I want a story to be smarter than me I don't want want to know everything's going everything that's going on or or


even be able to predict the ending at that point you're just waiting for it to be over so I was I no I was absolutely


thrilled to to see how it ended right uh not a fight you know uh obviously there


are is a fight but not the way you thought and and if a movie can go away that if you're looking one way and it


takes you another and you can be like oh that's cool I didn't see that coming that's that's something that's good I


recommend it I think even if Fighting fight movies aren't your cup of tea you should try it because it's the story is


of such quality I think that you will enjoy just the value system that it that it brings uh to sort of inform your


thinking you know or whatever even for a couple minutes yeah and just I guess not thought was something like um it's


even like just subtle like with the him putting on his ghee to fight right so


everybody was wearing going to the ring wearing these these fighting GES and that was the wrong way right that's what he wears in his comfort of his dojo when


he's teaching yeah he probably didn't have anything else right right right but he he doesn't take on the bad guys and


show his truth wearing the ghee in the ring he does it in plain clothes cuz that's who he is oh yeah yeah yeah mean


that's good yeah yeah no that's good yeah yeah he's embracing it outside of the I mean he always does but I guess


you know what I mean it's just hming they could have easily had him fight the other guy like you said gone that way and had him beat everybody in the ring


or whatever but it wouldn't have had the same you know weight to it and wouldn't have meant the same right right right uh


cuz cuz I I reading too much into that but yeah him wearing plain clothes against the the bad guy is wearing a you


know no absolutely and and I think he says at some point the competition weakens the fighter so he is saying at


that point you wearing your competition clothes you're you're you're you're weak you you have weakened yourself you have


right you know and and then the guy says You're ruing my business so he's turned you know turns his back on the high


master I found myself thinking Mr Miyagi a lot and thinking Mr Miagi was more powerful the first time because I


thought some of the weak points of the story but no I if you don't get it the first time


I think you should watch it a second or third and think about it because I think it's worth it more going on there yeah Sher any thoughts I so I recommend


anyway yes absolutely recommend um yeah uh well I'd have to give it a


consider um I really enjoyed the movie though yeah I remember when it was over you were like I like that that which


blew my mind I did right I really did like it I was expecting three passes for


sure oh no oh no I really liked the league the league


guy I watch I like to watch them fight I I didn't like the the stone things you


know I don't like someone having to fight with the disadvantage of well yeah but I I story-wise it's completely


understandable that it makes sense well yeah but anyway anyway but the reason I say consider instead of recommend is I


was asking so many questions throughout you know yeah like we were talking about I was like what is she doing you know


when she was looking I thought she was looking for drugs for someone else right oh yeah well yeah cuz I was like what


what is who is she talking to you know it forces you to fill in a lot of the blanks they don't they don't do it for


you yeah you can fill in those blanks whatever you wanted so yeah I didn't like what happened to the cop I was kind


of confused on some of the yeah the the I don't know um but um as far as the end


goes I I did like the ending yeah sure oh yeah and you know even almost bring a


tear to your eye at the end you're like I mean I remember saying a the guy handed him his belt no no I think the


ending nailed it like you walk out with that like there's always the saying you know your movie May suck for the first


hour and a half but if you can get them in the last 30 minutes you got them and I think definitely this ending did that but I think at various that's why even


throughout the whole movie I kept wanting to stay with this guy you know yeah but you know as far as the the


watch you were asking you know did the guy know it was I was asking all of those questions I was like what's the


deal with that but I was so interested in the movie the whole time yeah it kept


my attention I enjoyed it yes cuz yeah and because of I really like yeah I really liked the lead guy yeah so


consider all right I'll have to consider myself uh decent movie decent plot


decent acting all the way around I just think the as much as I know about the


Brazilian jiu-jitsu mixed martial arts don't go into that movie looking for all


all that to be accurate or sure all that so it's totally fine but yeah it's just


to consider there are other better fight movies out there I guess you'd say uh Warriors one here comes the boom if


you're looking for MMA fun fights tournaments those are the ones you want


to go to this one no it's not that kind of movie and it really surprised me that


that it wasn't no no I was yeah me too but I consider it because it was it was good it's it's it it you you walk in I


walked in thinking that it was a fight movie right and it turns out it's a


character movie who has happens to do fighting it's more the philosophy yes


and you saying that it reminded me of why why we or why


I wanted to take some kind of class like that when he's teaching that woman it it


is something that you can do to defend yourself there's always a way out you


know that's what we were taught too you know there's all you got to think you got to don't don't give in Don't Be


Afraid insist on the move and all that I you know you know the Escape you know


all that worked I thought I I was yeah but when he when he was you know coming against that woman I'm like that's what


she needed you know I think he yeah we talked about that right I think a licensed professional would disagree


with you sure but he is that's just me right no he a a


trauma victim with PTSD stab me stab me I'm gonna grab you I want to if that had


happened to me if something someone had attacked me I'd definitely want to know what do I do next time right but she


needed that is from a character standpoint she needed somebody to to break down a wall cuz she was never


going to come out from behind that wall you mean she needed somebody to slap her across the face like she did to him


later like they did that for each other that's her slap that's his slap yes absolutely yeah cuz the she tried pills


pills weren't working right right and so when she slaps him so yeah so two two


considers and two recommends yeah uh yes no passes though that's good all right


oh uh one thing now I don't know if this is true or not true uh because James had had made


reference to some things in this movie are not accurate or whatever I don't know if it's accurate or not but when


Chad is talking to Mike about the number written on the back of his shoe oh that's the platoon number in case you're


you get blown apart they know where you you are I don't know if that's true but it is very true that uh something like


that is done like so when we were over there you have dog tags obviously well you have two dog tags we were told you


take one of those dog tags and you lace it into the laces of your boot M so you have one around your neck and you have


one laced into your boots so that if your leg gets blown off they have a boot with a dog tag on it oh this is so and


so from such and such has all your information on it or whatever I don't know so I know that something like that


is 100% done but the number on the back I've never heard of that or seen that but that doesn't mean it isn't true but


I did have to question that a little bit because I know that the dog tag Lac in the Lac into the laces was something


that was done yeah and and sometimes in stories like that you'll see small


instances of things that maybe don't happen it it's probably a better visual with the number on the boat number on


the boat and it was for story-wise for story purposes it was just something to get him to go oh this guy knows what he's talking about yeah absolutely yeah


yeah and yeah so again it's one of those movies like don't look at it too critically on those things it's it but


yeah yeah anyway so I'm not saying they they didn't do that I I you know yeah but what you've heard of was the dog tag


dog tag anyway sure that was the one that I've heard of too is a dog tag anyway but okay so any other number tens


here was Joe were you 10 or were you never mind yeah well well that's the thing you can't have the same number if


that's the way you do it I don't know if he said it's that's your number in the platoon yeah yeah they number themselves in the platoon so one through okay all


right that makes more CU you just you know I'm in the the 54 there's 100 guys in the 54 whose foot


is this you know exactly yeah okay number is over that makes CU we didn't number ourselves we just had the because the dog tag has your religion your name


your so blood type blood type everything on it yeah anyway because that's the


other thing if you're that's only one leg right both legs get blown off one's got the dog tag the other one doesn't have [ __ ] right uh I don't know if we


put them in both or not I know we had one around our neck and one you have two right so one's around your neck and one's on your left foot what about your


right foot yeah I don't know cuz I I'm sure there's an answer I just I don't May yeah I don't remember if yeah I


don't remember but yeah that but the other thing is you know your blood type or whatever because if you're laying there bleeding out they want to know


immediately what blood to get anyway sure so anyway that's just uh like I said I don't know if it's not true or


not but anyway all right any other thoughts on this movie we're good oh


yeah Tim Allen was in this movie for like five seconds wasn't he yes he just disappears which is fine yeah he was at


the the the match at the end yeah you see him in the camera yeah that's true that's true but the way the way the the


DVD the advertisements or whatever like Tim Allen sure he's in it and well that was to try to get I guarantee you if


made $60,000 the first weekend and that's you'll see movies like this where oh starring such and


such and he's literally in it as a young actor like his first movie for like four minutes but they're going to build it as his movie Jennifer Aniston is all over


leprechaun oh is she yeah Jennifer Aniston and Zen leprechaun yeah back in 80 or 91 it was just leprechaun yes it


wasn't Jennifer Aniston right all right any other thoughts concerns is good cool


all right that's red belt and we are out Chris why did you pick this


movie it was like a love letter to Brazilian jiu jit yeah I think Cal lie I think that's 100%


the way M wrote it like that was the weakest part of that scene sure the wind blew something into the window a Storm's


about to enter this man's life and he has no idea sure no right here we are filling in blanks cuz we never find out


right does it matter that's pretend this is real and I thought her acting here was probably some of the worst I've ever


seen on scoen yeah was first few times I watched it I still didn't get it like but no no I'm not going to let you get


in my way of the truth right so I'm whooping your ass you know coming against that woman I'm like that's what


she needed that's a big difference in some of the other things that we've reviewed like it's nice refreshing thing


to know that there are other ways to do movies out there yes that may not fit this way that we're doing it but other


ways it's spot on

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About the Podcast

Fellowship Of The Reel
One movie review podcast to rule them all
A single movie is more powerful than a thousand realities...or something.
Come to Fellowship Of The Reel, a movie review podcast beyond the furthest reaches of your imagination.
Four movie fans meet to discuss, debate, and ultimately review movies of their own choosing.
One Movie Review Podcast To Rule Them All!

About your hosts

Philip McClimon

Profile picture for Philip McClimon
Philip A. McClimon is an author who likes to write about the end of the world (post apocalyptic, Sci/Fi), mostly because he thinks the shopping would be awesome (No crowds, everything free). He likes heroes that are the strong, silent type and not necessarily male. By silent he means up until the time there is something snarky to say, usually before, during, and after doing something cool.

He writes Urban Fantasy under the name Billy Baltimore for no other reason than that he likes the name. Many of the same rules for his other stories apply to Billy’s, strong silent types, smart mouth, does cool stuff, but these stories take place in a made up town called Hemisphere and involve stuff you only ever hear about on late night conspiracy talk show podcasts, which are, if you think about it, pretty awesome too.

So, that's Phil. He's not strong, rarely silent, and isn't known for doing a lot of cool things.

But his characters are.

Sherry McClimon

Profile picture for Sherry McClimon
The wife of Philip McClimon. Probably all that needs to be said. She is responsible for his bad behavior not being worse than it is. She is concerned that her mother might listen.

James Harris

Profile picture for James Harris
James Harris is a tech guru and musician extraordinaire; he also loves movies. A pretty decent guy all around.

Chris Sapp

Profile picture for Chris Sapp
Chris Sapp has been a friend for a lot of years and a writer for a lot more. An encyclopedic knowledge of story and movies, he can take you on a deep dive into script and screen. Another pretty decent guy, which are the only kind allowed around here.